No, not the Fellowship of the Rings, though I was offered a spot as an extra in the movies while I was in New Zealand, back when they were shooting them… Anyway, that’s another story, but ask me some time! 😉
Lots of people have been asking about the Rotary World Peace Fellowship that’s calling me away from music, so I decided to put a page up here that gives all the details. If I forgot anything, let me know and I’ll add it.
The page is just to the right here ————————————>
…where it will remain, though I may update it with fixes or more information. If you don’t see it there for some reason, the link is
Thanks for being interested.
Hmmm… you’re not the first person to say that! Strange, it’s right there on my computer, under “Home” just to the right on the main page, though if you’re looking at the particular blog entry on its own it’s not there.
So, if you just go to, you should see it on the right, but if not, it’s here:
Right where? I can’t seem to find a link.