The alarm rang at 4AM yesterday, and that’s early for just about everyone. On the West Coast that was 1AM. And just to sweeten the deal, Sunday is the time change for Daylight Savings. Sleep schmeep!
Spending my adult life as a professional musician, I’ve probably seen 4AM on the end of my day much more often than the beginning, and I tend to like it that way. It’s worth it, though, to head out on this mini-tour to the Left Coast, where I am seeing some good friends, playing some music, having some conversations about things that matter to me, and making good on a promise.
A year ago this month I was early in the Kickstarter campaign to fund my book White Flour. I could not have imagined at that point how well that campaign would go, or what amazing things would have happened with the book in the year since. The kickstarter project had various levels of support for various ‘premiums,’ and the highest level of support, $3000, included a live concert, anywhere in the world, among other things. The good folks at Carmichael Presbyterian Church pledged that support, so this Saturday night I’ll be playing in Carmichael, and I’m really looking forward to that. As part of the show, I will read the book to these folks who midwifed its birth. It will be great to have the chance to thank them in person.
I’ll also be playing at Santa Cruz Mountain Vineyards tonight (still a few seats if you can make it!). Jeff Emery, who owns the winery, is a long-time friend of mine, and it will be great to see him and Andrea again. The winery hosts a concert series in the barrel room, surrounded by large casks of wine, and the price of admission includes a wine tasting. How great is that?
Last night I played a house concert Concord, CA at my friend Gail Doering’s home. These days I don’t do as many house concerts as I used to, but it’s great fun to have the chance to add this one on to the trip while I’m in the neighborhood. I read a poem that I haven’t shared on stage before, and a couple of newer songs. It was great fun.
For updates on these shows and others, check the tour dates page.
Sunday night I’ll lead an evening Worldchanging 101 Workshop at Davis Community Church, and lead some conversations about how large-scale change happens and how it doesn’t, and what the implications for us are, as people who are trying to create a better world.
This last part has been a real focus for me lately, and my calendar is tilting heavily toward Worldchanging Weekends, which include workshop time as well as a concert, and sometimes even preaching (as hard as I tried to resist the family legacy by becoming a long-haired folksinger instead of a pastor, somehow I find myself being asked to preach pretty often these days!). Colleges, churches, Rotary groups and others are all hosting me for these kinds of events in the coming months, and I’m thoroughly enjoying that work.
If you’re in this part of California this weekend, come on by. If not, and you’d like for me to come where you are in the coming months, drop Emma a note and we’ll see if we can set something up. Click here to download a flyer about Worldchanging Weekends.
There’s been a lot of running around lately — last week in Belize, and a couple of weeks before that in Guatemala, for instance. Next week, though, is Deanna’s spring break, and we’re headed to the beach for a few days to take a breath, and maybe catch up on some sleep!
Thanks, as always, for your interest in what I’m up to. Keep in touch!
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