It’s Day four of the Kickstarter effort to make my first abum in ten years. There are twelve songs on it, none of which I have recorded before, and there are musicians from all over the world playing on the record. Literally. Every inhabited continent is represented.
Kickstarter is a cool website that invites people to midwife new artistic creations by funding them, in return for all kinds of cool premiums in return. In this case, that includes everything from simply buying the CD in advance (which comes with a download of one song two months early) to having me write you a custom song, or even coming a mini-vacation with a few friends for Labor Day Weekend and backstage passes and VIP seats at the big release party concert in Asheville on September 2. There are eighteen premiums in all, and you can check them out here if you are so inclined.
The thing about Kickstarter is that if you don’t make your goal, no one’s pledge is collected and you don’t raise any of the money. I actually like that about Kickstarter. I believe in this project, and I am enough of a mystic to believe my gut sense that this project is what I am supposed to do next. I think it’s going to work out, so much that I’m putting it all on the line.
So far, I’m feeling deeply affirmed in that decision. Four days in, 149 people have chipped in to get us to 23% of the final goal, with thirty days total to see if we can make it work. It is truly humbling to find that other people believe in this project, too. I can’t wait to share it with you.
On the Kickstarter page, there’s the introductory video I made about the CD, with a few clips from some of the songs. Check it out and see how those songs fit in your ear. If you decide you would like to be a part of bringing this music into the world, I will be so grateful. Actually, though, I’m already grateful that you’re interested enough to have read this far. 🙂
Keep in touch and stay tuned. I’m going to make a few more videos to give you a deeper introduction to a few of the songs, and those will be fun to share with you.
Thank you!
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