Dear friends,
Sixteen days ago I launched a new project, and as of now, 59 folks have signed up to be a part of it. It’s an exciting adventure — a smaller group of folks who are taking a deeper dive with me into creating a digital community, and who are supporting the work I do. Check out the video below for more explanation, or if you just want to jump on in, click this button…
If you would like to try this out, I would warmly welcome your participation. Just click this button right here:
Already, the Patreon folks have a studio recording of a newer song of mine, The Way It’s Done, that isn’t on any of my albums. An audio recording of the Prologue to my book Worldchanging 101: Challenging the Myth of Powerlessness is on there, too, with Chapter One coming soon, and a chapter a month after that. And I posted a phone video of my version of Chris Rosser’s lovely song, Hidden Everywhere.
A brand new song I’m working on, part of which came to me in a dream last week, will be up there soon, and this Saturday we will have our first interactive video chat. Folks have also gamely responded to my request to introduce themselves, and I’m getting to know this community of folks, which already includes people from New Zealand, Australia, Scotland, and Germany, as well as the U.S., as well as watching folks begin to interact with each other.
In these days when CD sales are no longer much of a thing, Patreon is a platform that is allowing lots of artists to continue their work, and giving their listeners and supporters a way to keep them going. Patrons kick in whatever amount they would like each month, from one dollar up. On my Patreon page, everyone who contributes, at whatever level, gets the same thing, but lots of folks are contributing 5, 10, or 25 a month. This may well make the difference in the sustainability of my work in the world, and I’m deeply moved by the support.
It’s also really fun. It’s great to have a place to share things that feels like it’s a bit more private than social media, and I’m really enjoying the interaction already.
If you’re interested in knowing more, click over to Patreon to see how it works. You can change your pledge or cancel any time you like, so there’s very little risk involved.
Thanks for believing in the work I do. Hope to see you soon!
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