Here’s a video with a few hopeful words for you from Howard Zinn, and some thoughts on the Stockdale Paradox.
This past weekend, my Patreon community grew to over 250 people. It is a beautiful group of folks, and I’m really grateful to have this intentional village to share with. In addition to ‘Monday Music‘, where I share a song and talk a bit about it, I’ve been making ‘Wednesday Words‘ videos for those folks, with a buoyant word or two from my bookshelf in these heavy times.
Each week, on Wednesday, I offer an 8 to 12 minute video where I share a couple of poems, or a few paragraphs from a book I love, and reflect on what they mean to me. Normally, they are just available to Patreon folks, but I made this one public so you can get a sense of it.
If you’d like to be a part of Patreon and get one of these in your inbox each Wednesday, I’d love to welcome you. I also share ‘work-in-progress’ songs there each month, and host a Zoom meeting where we can check in with each other, share a song or two and connect, in this time of so much disconnection. I’m also sending out a chapter a month of the audio book version I’m making of my book, Worldchanging 101: Challenging the Myth of Powerlessness, which will come out publicly in 2021.
Patreon works on a monthly subscription basis, but that subscription can be whatever you would like it to be, from $1 a month on up. Everyone gets the same thing, no matter what they choose, and you are most welcome, even if you’re not able to offer more than a dollar a month (over a year, a little less than what a CD used to cost!).
Some folks join Patreon just to support artists they believe in, at a time when most public events are canceled, and others take advantage of all the content, or somewhere in between. If you’d like to check it out, please feel free to. You can cancel any time.
In the meantime, the video above will give you a sense of part of what I’m doing over there (sorry about the 70’s open shirt! It’s a warm day, and I didn’t realize I had missed a button!). 🙂
Thanks for being interested in what I’m up to. Keep in touch,
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