Hey friends,
Thank you for stopping by to check out this new project. I’m really thrilled to be launching this Kickstarter campaign to help birth this collection of songs, and I appreciate your consideration of helping to midwife! Here’s a little video about the record and how Kickstarter works (with big thanks to David Saich and Fiasco Pictures for putting this video together). Or if you’re already ready to jump in, you can go here.
Day One of the Kickstarter was pretty amazing — we got 24% of the way there! In one day. Wow. Y’all are awesome. Now we are about a week into the effort, and about half-way to the goal.
Thanks for seeing value in my music, and helping me to keep making it. Onward! 🙂
Click here to join the Kickstarter campaign and learn more about the record.
Thank you!
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