Melbourne, Australia It’s a hot morning in Melbourne, which is nothing unusual, actually. Brisbane tends to be even hotter, but forty degree days haven’t been uncommon lately, and that’s 104 where I come from. I’m staying with my old friend Liz Frencham and her very cool beau Steve. Liz and I played a small festival near here […]
A few more Brisbane pix
A few more Brisbane pix
Here are just a few more pictures of Brisbane and the University of Queensland: View Album Get your own
Brisbane wrap up
Brisbane wrap up
The last day in Brisbane was as good as the first two, taken up mostly by a tour of the city and environs with Judy Magub, who works with the Peace Fellows from the Rotary side, and an evening party where some of the class five Fellows were welcoming the new class six Fellows […]
Day 2 in Brisbane
Day 2 in Brisbane
Had a great day on campus yesterday with Cassio, a ‘Class 5’ Fellow from Brazil. We rambled all over the campus and had a ball. I met a couple of professors and several Fellows, then went to a class last night, which I thoroughly enjoyed. I took two pages of fairly dense notes even though […]
Other Side of the World
Other Side of the World
So you remember how when Bugs Bunny dug a deep hole he always came out in China? If he was digging straight down, he’d have to come out in the southern hemisphere, no? Ever think about that? Me neither. I was just trying to eat up my Cap’n Crunch before it got soggy. But here’s the […]
First Day in Brisbane
First Day in Brisbane
I suppose this counts as “hitting the ground running.” After arriving at 7AM, making my way to the hotel and getting settled in, I checked email and found an invitation from Judy Magub, who is the Rotary liaison for Peace Fellows at U.Q. She said there was a Rotary meeting Wednesday night where three […]
From somewhere over the Pacific…
From somewhere over the Pacific…
Qantas Flight 741, LAX – BNE 12:23 PM (Black Mountain, NC), 2:20AM (Brisbane, Australia) Mmmm… good travel luck: This flight to Australia is a long one, especially on top of flights from the east coast, but somehow I ended up with a bank of three seats to myself. I offered to switch with the […]
George’s head and Abe’s seat
George’s head and Abe’s seat
Tonight I played at Abraham Lincoln’s church. No kidding. Yes, that Abraham Lincoln. John C. Calhoun and Andrew Jackson went there, too, and Dr. King preached there a bit more recently. I can’t help but have those images run together in my mind and imagine how Abraham Lincoln would have enjoyed listening to a sermon from Dr. King at his own church, New York Avenue Presbyterian…. Read More →
Dan the Tan Van
Dan the Tan Van
I guess it’s fitting that Dan the Tan Van is retiring too, given that my own career is being suspended soon. You might think that my own plans to move to Australia would be more glamorous than Dan’s retirement plans, but you’d be wrong…. Read More →
That’s not Peace
That’s not Peace
This morning I checked the news when I found a disturbing story in the news about a military recruitment center on Times Square being bombed by a small and ineffectual improvised explosive tossed from a bicycle. The ‘comments’ beneath the article are predictable, including some anti-immigrant posturing, “I bet they’ll find out it was someone foreign!”; and […]
Of Notes and Blogs
Of Notes and Blogs
Black Mountain, NC (home) In an unforeseen fit of motivation, I find that I’m finally joining the new millennium and starting an honest-to-goodness blog. Not that I’m a luddite. Actually, it could be argued that I was a proto-blogger: blogging before we had even made up the word. I started writing “Notes From the Road” […]
From deep in the Vault…
From deep in the Vault…
I was a “proto-blogger.” That is to say that I started publishing “Notes From the Road” on my web site back in way 1997, laboriously chiseling them into my stone pda with a woolly mammoth tusk. Coincidentally, my first blog was published a few weeks before the word “weblog” ever appeared in print. These are […]