Welcome to David’s guestbook – just leave your comments below. Thanks!
Reader Interactions
Tammy Bucysays
Hi David,
Thank you for the special autograph and note to my grandson on the SS Bathtub book! He and his Mom, who remembers your performances and music from her NC State days, are really enjoying the cd I purchased from you when you were a guest preacher at our Mt. Pleasant church last week! When the book arrived today, they were sooooo excited!! How cool to have a special note from you!!
Thank you again!!!
All the Best!!
David, we sure did enjoy your performance at the Whitehorse Sat night. It was our first live music event at a venue since March of 2020. We did catch your livestream from Perelandra a while back and that’s where we first heard your hilarious song about how couples do things differently and both know they are right. On your birthday we celebrated our 34th anniversary so it was especially funny to us. Have you done a youtube of that song? When I went back to work today I saw your friend, Lynn Weber, and told her about seeing you. See was thrilled just to hear about it.
We hope to see you again soon,
Take care and thanks for the wonderful music and work for peace.
Duke & Lisa Schell from Morganton
Hi Duke and Lisa – thanks so much for your kind note, and for celebrating your anniversary with me! 🙂 I’m working on a video of The Way Its Done. Stay tuned! 🙂 If you’re not on my mailing list, go ahead and get on there, and I’ll be sure to let you know when that hits YouTube.
The song is included in your NERFA line-up, but I’d love to have it separated. I’ll post it on Folk ‘N Great Music and share it elsewhere. Great song!!!
Hi David ! My note is long over due, at least from the intended time frame. Just wanted to reach out and say “hello” , and again, say that it was so nice to see you at the God Talks in Greensboro last Fall (?).
I have enjoyed your book ‘ Worldchanging 101 ‘ with the insights and experiences that you share and let readers appreciate. Several years back , I read Michael Nagler’s book ” Is There No Other Way ” which really spoke to me , as reading your book has.
– Mary Katherine Williams (of the Charlie Williams family)
Hi Mary Katherine — thanks so much for that kind note. It was certainly wonderful to see you again, and I look forward to the next time our paths cross. Please give a shout if you find yourself over in the mountains.
Bringer of Peace article in the C-Times was inspiring. I am working with at risk elementary children in West Asheville….our program is called Creative Peacemakers (www.creativepeacemakers.com and also on Facebook). Music is one of the creative ways that they are learning to express themselves in healthy ways. The program is offered at the Center for Art and Spirit at St. George. I am also active with WNC4Peace, and we hosted their annual Peacemaker of the Year awards last fall around International Day of Peace which is where I first heard your incredible music. We are always looking for volunteers or artists (for a small stipend) to meet with our small group of children to inspire them to know that they can make a difference for peace in the world. Thank you for all that you do to promote peace and to inspire the rest of us. Also, love the sign you put on your house….thinking I may have to have one!
Hi David, I am from Stronghold Camp and Conference Center in Oregon, IL. I have worked there for over 20 years. In the 90’s, you came here and played for us and it was amazing! You gave me one of your CD’s! Anyway, we have a new Executive Director now, Danny Pierce, who is very interested in you and your music. Danny also is familiar with the Montreat Camp! Just thought I would let you know that he will be contacting you at some point
Light and Love!
Hey David,
I’d love to be in contact about what I can do to help you and your current project. I’m moving to Asheville in a month and I’ll have some time off before my next job. Would really like to help whatever you’re planning next, just to help. I’m a musician, massage therapist, artist, entrepeneur etc….many hats…been very fortunate….I look forward to talking! Thanks much
Thoroughly enjoyed the “3 Daves” concert in Cary, NC last weekend. Having some difficulty with a follow-up attempt to order a copy of David Lamotte’s “Worldchanging 101” for friends in Australia. Get as far as the payment screen, and then it seems to lock up. Would appreciate feedback about a possible workaround. No great rush. Many thanks!
My wife and myself walked into your sound check in Black Mountain and you blew me away with Your play. Thank you very much. We did come back and watch you that night. I still owe you a beer. Thank you
I just read your article on Why The Church Needs Art, an old article but new to me. Thank you.
I wanted to share a holy experience I had a couple Januarys ago. It was the first time I rode my horse in the Fort Worth Stock Show Parade. I had not ridden in 30 some years and I started riding again at 50. Blue Skies was green broke and the folks at the barn were taking bets on which would happen first. Whether I would sell him or get hurt. I surprised us all and waited him out. He was brilliant in his first ever parade and so was the parade itself. From the saddle I was able to see ALL the people who came to the parade. ALL the ages, and colors, and economic realities. For a few hours that morning we were one, we were all FW cowboys and cowgirls. The parade moves slow enough to make eye contact and that is a powerful thing. Sometimes we could even exchange a few words. It was a divine experience. Thank you for the article and calling it back into my mind and heart.
As an artist, I am a painter. I painted as part of worship teams for about 10 years and then someone saw breasts and someone else saw tears in one of my paintings. I was told my gifts were no longer welcome. Sigh. I don’t do that kind of work often any more. It is stronger now if not as direct as it used to be. There is more mystery now. It tells a more complicated story with more grays. The story I hope to tell is that beauty is the end of the story. No matter how messy the middle gets, the end is beauty.
Thanks much for this note, Gwen, for the evocative story, and for the links to your powerful art. I like the ‘hard joy’ series very much, in particular.
Hi David, I am Tom Payne’s sister and I already feel as though I know you. You and Tom are amazing writers , poets and historians.
Your piece tonight was fascinating and I really got a great history lesson, thank you for sharing your knowledge.
On a funny note, Tom and my dad was born in Roanoke Va. As was his father and father before. Our grandfather’s name was “George Washington Payne” ……. Like your grandfather it seems like famous southern presidents were popular when it came to naming baby boys.
I lived in Roanoke for 17 years, now I’m back in Venice beach.
I miss my home nestled between the blue ridge and Appalachian mts.
I miss my southern friends and my community, knowing the banker, the baker and the candle stick maker al by name. I still dream of the seasons as they changed , the. Forsythia in the spring , getting my beans in the ground by march, laying on my back on a hot summer night with a salt shaker in one hand as I picked and ate fresh tomatoes off my vines. The wild chickada’s screaming as they added music to the lovely crepe myrtle . The pain in the ass yet glorious leaves as they blew off the tree covering everything even finding a way into the house, the gutters….. Yes hard to rake but well worth the effort. Then, at last that first crisp cold snow that transformed my world into the wonder I had been waiting for.
I loved it there, and it was not my choice to leave for good but I would be lying if I didn’t admit that the smell of the salty pacific and the night music of the waves crashing as they end their journey only to begin again .
My cup often runneth over.
Take care and thank you again for your article tonight.
Tom is happy with his studies, it does my heart good to feel his joy.
Love, Clancy P.
Clancy, there is apparently no shortage of poets in your family! What a beautiful reminiscence. I graduated from high school in Roanoke, and know it well. I lived in Sarasota before that, loving the salt of the gulf in the air. I hope our paths will cross in person someday. It seems we would have no shortage of things to talk about. Please give your extraordinary brother my love.
And do you know that I recorded his song Ten Lucky Pennies? It’s not the same as the original, of course, but I’m honored to have done it.
I just heard last weekend (at Bread for the World’s lobby day) that you’re living in Black Mountain. I work for Bread and live in Asheville. You probably know that we work on the justice side of hunger – not the charity side. Charity is essential. It makes sure that our hungry neighbors are fed today. But it doesn’t address the reasons that they are hungry. Are you going to the Wild Goose Festival?
Michael Smith
828-575-7963 msmith@bread.org
Hi Michael — great to hear from you. Thanks for the important work you are doing. I look forward to learning more. Yes, there’s a difference between meeting people’s needs and challenging the systems that make them needy. Thanks for showing up in that way. I’ll miss the Goose this year, but let’s try to catch up soon.
As I always do at this time of year I got out the Spin CD to listen to “Peter.”
Thank you for such a beautiful, moving and meaningful song.
Don Bliss
My wife heard about the poem “White Flour” at a womens circle meeting. She said the point was made that you can’t fight hate with hate. I came on the web site to view the poem. I found the imagry to be vivid, and the words amusing but biting at the same time. I’m glad I dropped by.
Hey David,
On Pandora this morning and heard a beautiful folk song by a New Hampshire artist named Bill Staines. The name of the song is “River.” Since we only see you once a year (for now!), I was wondering if you would consider singing this song when you sing at the White Horse near the 4th of July, 2015. So many wonderful folk songs, I am always finding something new. Thanks, David.
(Josh Richard’s mom)
Hi Sue — wonderful to hear from you. It is always a challenge to fit in the songs I want to play at any given show, so I think I’d better not make any promises — that said, I’m glad to be pointed to the song. I will go look it up and check it out. Bill Staines certainly does some great work. Thanks for thinking of me!
A long time ago, you came and performed at my house in New Mexico when I was no older than about 10. I helped you carry your stuff out in the morning, and you gave me the pick you used the night before. I’ve been playing guitar since. Now I’m in college, and your album Good Tar just started playing on my iTunes while I was doing homework, and I can’t turn it off. It is making me want to play guitar for the rest of the night like it did after your performance. It may be nearly a decade later, but Thanks for the pick!
Hey River — thanks so much for this kind note. It’s a wonderful way to end my day here in El Salvador, and you’re really kind to take the time to write. I look forward to the next time our paths cross. 😉
Hello David..so wonderful to see that you have done some really great things with your life. Many blessing for you cause you are what is lacking in this world and that is an humanitariun heart. My heart aches for what goes on in our world and you have the opportunity to have your voice heard..how great that is!! Loved your music when you played in Blk. Mtn., been many years ago!! Keep up the great job!! Will make a special effort to read your books!! Still have one of your CD’s from many years ago!! Take care my friend and stay safe during any travels!!
Years ago when I was living in New Zealand, I was at the Auckland Folk Festival and had the opportunity to hear you perform. Wonderful!!
I think I emailed you a few times about the possibility of coming to my home reservation in South Dakota but…that fell through on my part…anywhoo
Now you are coming to Aberdeen, SD…where I now live!!! Even more wonderful!!! I am excited to come to your performance!!
Safe journeys!!!
Hey Jo! How wonderful! I will look forward to reconnecting with you in a new hemisphere. I would love to talk further about a visit to the reservation as well. See you tomorrow, I hope!
– David
Hello David,
We are in Montreat, where we’ve enjoyed hearing you a number of times. I have looked in the store for your “Sing Loud” bumper sticker, but they have only the “God Bless Every Nation” one (which gets lots of comments when folks see it on my car). I thought since it is now the Worship and Music conference, I might find it here. A friend of mine had to buy a new car, and in doing so, lost her “Sing Loud”. I promised her I’d try to find another one. Will you have them available at your White Horse appearance next week? Do your folks have any? I have gotten extra “God Bless” ones from them.
Thanks, Sarah
Hi Sarah — we’ve got’em! Yes, we will have them at the White Horse show, and they’re also available on this website. The White Horse is more fun than web shopping, though. 😉 See you soon!
I wanted to thank you for your presentation today at the Rotary International District 1020 Peace Conference at Scotland’s Parliament in Edinburgh. I found it entertaining, thought provoking and motivating! Your relaxed style meant that the challenges to us, which were inherent in what you were saying, were heard, by me in any case, and I am not intending to adopt that old hero narrative any more! Active-ism here I come! I’m sure the young people in the audience will be talking about today for a long time to come! Well done.
Once again, thank you, I hope you enjoy your time here in Scotland with us and… Haste ye back!
Hi David,
I have really enjoyed your website and listening to you speak and sing. Jean and I are looking forward to meeting you in Scotland for the first and very unique Rotary Peace Conference on May 10th. You have made it really easy to put together a bio for the delegates. We have spread the word about your work through facebook and LinkedIn. See you in the Scottish Parliament Building on Friday.
Hi there David! I must say, my lack of knowledge and interest in these advanced ways of communicating with people couldn’t put out the joy I felt after having met you that day in Cape Town. I just had to write to you. I had no idea who you are or what you do but your warmth and sincerity left me walking away with a smile, asking God why I had met you. I really enjoyed our little chat, and His hand upon you was quite evident. It truly is my prayer that you continue toiling away in all humility for the good of mankind. Now when I sit at Charly’s bakery i’ll make it a point to say a little prayer for you and your family. Don’t grow weary of doing good. Peace be with you. 🙂
David – Have shared the video you posted of Pete Seeger on facebook with many relatives and friends who do not do FB. Yes, that particular song brought tears to my eyes as well. I sort of had in the back of my head, “well, as long as we’ve got good ole Pete – we have someone to keep us straight”. And of course I love that his song calls us all to be prophets and reminds us it is all of our responsibility.
Have enjoyed listening to your music since the early 90’s and Third Street Coffee House in Roanoke and other times I am able to catch you on tour. I believe you have a lot of Pete’s heart and ability through your songs to share a wonderful message of peace and how we can all be each others brothers and sisters. I have your bumper sticker, “Sing Loud, its a Big World” on my coffee thermos that I take with me to work, it means I start each day with a smile, thank you.
How do I sign up to receive your blog, David? Please?
Thank you for your seemingly tireless work for peace and justice for all. I know that you and your family must get exhausted sometimes. Here’s a bit of extra energy to carry on.
Thanks for asking — your comment alerted me to the fact that there was a problem with the sign-up. You will now find it back where it should be, on the main page of this web site: http://www.davidlamotte.com, in the upper right column.
I just wanted to say what a nice website you have….I was looking through it for an upcoming event you have in Boone, NC and found it east to navigate and learn about your work. So many are not nearly as well done….so I wanted to pass along the compliment. I look forward to hearing your massage and music next week.
I just wanted to say what a blessing it has been being able to enjoy your music over the years. My sister first introduced me to you when she was in college at PC in Greenville S.C. back in 1995. Your music resonated with me through the years and I even requested the band at my wedding play a few of your songs in 2006. It is now 2013 and I still enjoy hearing your songs. I now live in Florida and hope to see some upcoming tour dates down here in the near future! Thanks for your music and service to the world!
Hi David – we swapped songs a few times in the 90s at my little venue Bagels & Ballads in Northern Virginia, and at your venue, The Green Door. I thought I’d try to see what you’ve been up to, and wow, I’m so impressed with what you have accomplished! Besides the music, your humanitarian efforts are inspiring.
I’m going to be an Artist in Residence this summer at Isle Royale National Park, and I’ve been a composing fool since visiting there a couple summers ago. I’m on the brink of a new phase of my musical career, and I’m amazed at how it’s all come about.
Hope you get a little glow from this “voice from the past” connection, and please know you made a difference to me along the way!
Hey Terri, wonderful to hear from you! Thanks for looking me up. The Isle Royale gig sounds completely wonderful. Best of luck with that. Thanks, too, for your kind words about my adventures. I hope our paths will cross again at some point.
My spouse and I want to thank you for the wonderful evening you shared with us at the Rotary District 7690 Conference on Saturday, April 20, 2013. It is inspiring to hear about your life’s purpose, experiences gained, accomplishments becoming contributions, and dreams yet to occur. Hope our paths cross again and wish you happiness both personally and professionally.
Lloyd & Leslie Navarro
Thanks so much, Lloyd and Leslie. It was a delight to be with you. Thanks for the work you do as Rotarians, and for your support of the Rotary Peace Fellowship, as well as for these kind words.
I was the performer who played at Love Wins Ministries’ anniversary party this past Sunday afternoon. You left me a guitar pick to get in touch with you (it worked – nice touch); so, here I am touching base. I’m basically starting back into the music business from scratch, and any assistance I can get along the way would be greatly appreciated. I can also play keyboards, bass, drums, and accordion – if that helps in any way. You can contact me at (919) 912-6286, or via my email address hidden above. Thank you for your compliments.
The egg man! Just thought of you as I have a friend living in Asheville now, and I told her to look out for your next performance. I have moved back to my hometown, Williamsburg, VA. You should check out Williamsburg’s “Occaision for the Arts” which is held in October. It’s a paying gig, and you would sell CDs I am sure! Also, their “First Night” on New Year’s Eve is also an excellent venue and also paying! The Williamsburg Public Library also books artists and also pays. Nice little theater.
I still remember the night I sat beside you at the South Florida Folk Music Festical in January, 1994…you shared your egg with me! I lived in Roanoke for many years – maybe you remember me, maybe not. Not important, but I just wanted you to know I still love your music! I am glad to see you are still living the life of an artist and activist!
Hey Katrina – great to hear from you. Thanks for those kind words and that warm invitation. Hope I can get to the Williamsburg Public Library some time. Good fun. I look forward to the next time our paths cross. Peace…
Wow, David, we enjoyed your song & music on Saturday at Concord. I had to “bad” fortune to have to speak (on my polio experiences) after your performance. You have new fans of your music in my husband and me. Hope to see you again soon. It was a pleasure to meet you.
Susie, it was an honor and privilege to share that stage with you. Thank you for sharing your story with such courage, grace and candor. Thanks, too, for your kind words here. Thankfully, it’s not a competitive sport. 😉 I look forward to the next time our paths cross.
Hi David. I first met and heard you speak at College Connection this past January in Montreat. I just received my DVD that included your talk as well as Loli’s sermon. I’m thoroughly enjoying listening to it on by drive to and from work and reminiscing about the great conference. I am amazed at how much I remember from your talks. Thanks. Also wanted you to know that I am still working on bringing you to First Pres in Shreveport and have been in touch with your assistant. Have a planning meeting tomorrow and am hoping to get them to agree on something for the fall. Hope all is well with you and your family and a big hug to Mason.
Thanks so much for your kind words, and for listening deeply enough to those ideas that they stuck with you.i hope the Shreveport thing will work out, and I’ll look forward to our paths crossing again, whenever that happens.
i recently met you at check-out of your recent stay at the hotel i am training at in S.C(1-28-2013)I asked you about what you do as i saw your guitar.You gave me your business”pick” to your website.It is excellent.I checked out probably every song available.So..i have a few words on it”
It was a pleasure to meet you although briefly..may we meet again on your travels.
Hi,David, I just tried to contact you at the recommendation of Rev. Dr. Linda Morgan-Clement at the College of Wooster. I got the impression she wanted us connected. Looking over your web site, I feel we are kindred hearts though I am twice your senior in age. How wonderful to know that you and linda will be among
the inheritors of the Earth after our generation is gone. As we say in Japanese, “Kanpai”. Hope to get a chance to speak with you.
Hideko Tamura snider
One Sunny Day Initiatives
It was lovely to get your messages. Yes, Linda spoke to me about you at the conference last weekend, and I would love to talk with you. Thanks so much for reaching out. I have your number here, and will call tomorrow.
It was so great meeting you and hearing some of your songs at the jam last Mon. Your voice has so much expression and your guitar playing beautifully compliments it – you tell your song-story with your whole body. Love your songwriting, esp the USS Bathtub. I hope to catch one of your shows soon and definitely hope to see you at another jam. Marie V
I found your impressive website through the article on White Flour in God’s Blog (Sojourners) and would like info on prices for bulk copies of the book. Am passing on to the “movers and shakers” of my church’s denomination my hope that you might visit a large group meeting in central PA in 2013.
Blessings to you in continuing the fine work you’re doing!
Hi Lois — thanks much for your kind words and for your enthusiasm about the book. I’d love to come out to Central PA and visit with you and your denominational friends. To talk about bulk discounts, please contact Sherri Powers — sherri(dot)powers(at)cox.net. Thanks again! – David
Great to catch up with you and your work. Love the website. My family attended 2 of your house concerts in San Angelo, Texas in early 2000 (Robert Dowler and Terry Maxwell were the hosts)as well as a concert at a local venue. We own 4 autographed CDs which we all still LOVE to listen to. You inspired my son, who was 9 at the time, to pick up the guitar. He now has his own band is enjoying playing locally. Thank you for your inspiration in all that you do. It is wonderful to see how much you and your family are doing to promote fellowship around the world!
Thanks so much for taking the time to look me up. It’s a please to hear from you. I remember those shows at Robert and Terry’s. Good evenings of song and conversation. Please give my best to folks who might remember me in San Andgelo, and thanks for your kind words.
I serendipitously came across your blog. I am a future Peace Fellow stating in Feb 2012 at UQ and wanted to thank you for your blogging; general curiously lead to me reading basically anything and everything that your blog had to offer about Australia.
Nice blogging.
Congratulations on becoming a Peace Fellow. It’s no small thing. I hope you will have a wonderful and enriching experience, and I would be happy to hear from you any time if you have questions or just want to check in. I’ll send a note to your email account so that you know how to reach me.
Hello Sir,
This is Mihir from Bangkok, Thailand. Sir if u remember i met u at Bawarchi Restaurant at Chidlom, Bangkok. I have gone through your website and was really touched by it. especially what u are doing with the education of children in guatemala i am short of words. only what i can say is sir that i too want to do something like this but i dont know from where to start. if i can be the part of your great project it would be like a dream come true for me. Hats of to u sir for what you and your family are doing to change the world and i sincerely hope that we meet again very soon as i am really longing to meet u. I wish u all the best for your future projects.
Mihir, what a treat to hear from you. I so enjoyed our brief conversation in the restaurant, while the musicians played in the corner. I appreciate your kind words and interest in my work. I wish I had some wise general advice for you in your goals, but I guess the best thing I can say is get started! There’s nothing like ‘showing up.’ 😉 You will learn what you need to as you go.
I don’t have any plans to be back in Thailand, but I will come back at the first opportunity, and I hope we will meet again then.
I just came across your Kickstarter project which lead me to your site. I’m a big fan of your book and I wish that I would have known about it while it was still open to backers.
I’m a first year ESL kindergarten teacher and I think the work that you and your wife started in Guatemala is amazing. It’s exactly what I want to do, but I don’t quite know how to get started. Do you have any tips for starting a non-profit, education based project?
Hi Shawni,
Thanks for your kindness, and for the work you’re doing already. My wife has taught elementary esl. It’s good and noble work.
I’d be happy to talk with you about PEG and that kind of work in general. Maybe next week we could schedule a phone call…?
As for the White Flour book, thank you for wanting to support it! If you want to pick up a copy, that’s the best way now, I suppose. You can do that under the “books” menu at the top of this web site. Thanks again!
Hi David,just heard you were in Chiang mai,sorry i missed you,but if you’re ever back this way,please let me know, we can play some songs at my place,take care my friend.
David. You are doing a great job. Your poem: White Flour is brilliant. Must tell you my police story from the UK with a similar theme. I am sending NC my youngest son this year: Sam. he will be running a venue at WG12. Look after him. When are you touring the UK? Remember you have a built-in tour manager/roadie/driver here. Keep the Faith. Andy
Miss getting your new albums and occasionally seeing you in concert, But wanted to let you know I am Very Proud Of the work you and your family are doing. You Probably get alot more Hard Earned Smiles. Thanks For the Time you gave to Us. Good Luck In your future Projects. Bud Ogletree,Jonesboro,Ar
Hey Bud! Good to hear from you, and thank you for your kind words. I am back to performing some, though I’m doing a fair amount of speaking these days too. Still love playing music, though. I did two concerts last week. Wish you could have come along. I’ll be back in Arkansas next spring (2013). Maybe we’ll catch up then. Peace.
Hi! I saw you, Dan, and Dawud in last November’s Abraham Jam at Duke, and it was amazing. I recently remembered that you guys’ music exists and resumed listening to it nonstop, and its awesomeness led me to check your respective calendars. When I did, I discovered that another Abraham Jam is being planned for November 2012 in Kalamazoo, MI. 😀
So I suppose the point of all this is to ask if Kalamazoo is going to be the only Abraham Jam happening next year, or if you three are planning/would consider going other places as well, since it probably wouldn’t be a good idea for me to give in to the strong temptation to find a way to get to Kalamazoo to see that one. 😛
As a side note, your music makes me happy, as does the fact that people like you exist. You inspire me. ^_^
This may not be the appropriate way to ask questions, and if so, I’m sorry, but it seems like the Contact form is more of a way to book shows, and at any rate, this way other interested people may be able to see it.
Hey Grace — this is a fine way to ask questions. Thanks for asking them, and for your kind words. We sure had a magical night that evening at Duke, and we can’t wait to gather again in Kalamazoo. We’re hopeful that we’ll be able to find some other ways to gather in other places and take the Abe Jam on the road a bit more. There are some other projects in front of it in line, but I’m hoping to fix up abrahamjam.com so that we can offer that to folks. I can’t promise it will be anywhere but Kalamazoo this year, though. Stay tuned, eh?
Yesterday David came to our hometown, Joplin, MO, and my wife and I had the wonderful pleasure of seeing David and hearing his poetry and music for the first time. It was a great experience that we both enjoyed very much. David brought a sense of appreciation, and hope and anticipation for things to come that was especially touching for many of us at Bethany Presbyterian Church as we celebrated our 85th year anniversary, and as we continue to heal following the terrible destruction of our community. From all of us I just want to say how much we appreciate David taking his time to visit Joplin, and to encourage us with his talents. David, I will pray that God will continue to guide, and support you in your efforts to change the world. God bless you and yours!
Hi David, My mom Martha sent me your website. I enjoyed your music a lot. I really love children from Guatemala and is great you are doing educational projects for them. I live in FL but I am originally from Guatemala and my husband is from NC. It would be nice to meet you sometime. We are traveling to Guatemala Nov 23-27.
Also we have a webdesign company and would like to help out with the non-profit’s website/hosting.
Thanks so much for this kind note. I hope we can meet up in Guate some time. I’ll be going down again this summer, but the dates aren’t set yet. We have a new web site behind the scenes that we’re looking forward to launching soon, but I’ll certainly make a note of your offer. That’s very kind. Peace…
Hi David Nice meeting you by chance in a rainy day at Don Fernando’s Caffe…..
Great music and great soul…..hope you ever give a lecture and concert close by..where me and family can meet you…..
Viggo is 5 years old and wants to hear you…
Take care specially in the mudslides of Guatemala…and chickenbuses…..
take care and will lisen to all your music..slowly…
Hi David! Wow, this site looks really wonderful. I’m so happy to see you continuing to do well and do the things you love. I’m thinking about adding a blog to the Tammerlin website, so I’m enjoying seeing what you’re doing with yours. Please get in touch next time you’re in FL. Much love to you and your beautiful family. Lee
Hey Lee – always great to hear from you! Life’s good here. Much to celebrate. Thanks so much for poking around here. If you find yourselves coming through Chapel Hill, come stay with us and hang out with Mason. He really likes it when other musicians hang around. 😉
Dear David,
In 2006 and 2007 I could visit your concerts in the church of Jesberg, Germany. From that moment on I love your music, your messages, your spirit, your humour, your good heart. I am very interested in reading about your private life, also your good work all around the world for peace to all nations and your activities. I´m always looking forward to your messages. I´ve the luck, that I can often visit concerts with your friend Kenny Legendre, and we can talk together too. I also visited his fantastic concert in the church of Jesberg “Tribute to DavidLaMotte”. You can see, your music, your passion is still going on here. Have much fun on September 22nd with Kenny making a House Concert. Great!!Always hoping, that we can hear and meet you again in Germany. Dearest greetings to you and your “fantastic” family. All the best.
Gabi, it is lovely to hear from you. I remember you, and sincerely hope that our paths cross again. Kenny made some mention of trying to set something up. Next week we’ll chat about that and do some dreaming. 😉 Thanks for checking in. Frieden…
I found your website from the handbill left at Pullen. So nice to learn more about you. Our lives cross through many circles overlapping. We are both busy trying to change our world. I hope we have time for coffee or tea sometime. Ned
You and I met many of years ago when you first produced your first album, you sang at Camp Grier. I was maybe 10 years old and have followed your music since. Thank you for making such amazing music! You actually played for my Presbyterian Campus Ministries group in Greensboro,NC I missed it because I was studying abroad in Germany.I kicked myself because I had heard that you were retiring!!! I couldn’t believe I had missed my last chance to see you live! I am glad that you are back and hope to make it to one of the NC events!
Hey Chelsea – thanks for your kind note. I’m glad we have more chances. Glad you like the web site, too. It’s so nice to work with people who are good at that kind of stuff. Hope to see you soon.
David. Andy here. Just got back from the USA. You all need a lot of help with your addiction to sugar, salt and ice cubes – not necessarily together.I helped you take your tent down at Wildgoose – the tall bald Brit in the red T-shirt.
I promised to connect you to the Greenbelt posse.
Here goes: Paul Northup does the booking of musicians. He is the man to get hold of.
he knows me and it may help to say that we met.
So true, Andy — re the dietary concerns… 😉
Thanks for your kindness, both in sending this note and in helping with the tent(s). I’ll drop a note to Paul, and drop your name within it.
It’s been a long time with a lot of life changes. I first met you years ago at Montreat West at Ft. Collins, Colorado. I still love your music, and listen often. Just wish you came this far West,(New Mexico or West Texas) so I could see you in concert again.
Hi Howard – great to hear from you. I hope our paths will cross again some time. I don’t have anything on the calendar in that part of the country just now, but airplanes are amazing inventions… it’s not so hard to get there, if you ever need me to come out. 😉
I was looking through my a bunch of my CDs and I found yours. Autographed by you, Good Tar, double live. It reminded me of the house concerts I used to go to at my neighbors house. Now that I am older, I have come to appreciate your music on a much higher level, and without you I wouldn’t be able to have such an nostalgic but refreshing musical experience.
I also really understand your message and purpose in your music much better. I really dig what you are doing – you are indeed a good example of what defines a good person. Hopefully someday we’ll run into each other again, I’d love to hear your story now that I’m much older. But until then, keep on rockin’. Just thought I’d share that with you.
Hi David!! I’m so excited, I just registered for Big Tent and the last item to check off was a ticket to a David LaMotte concert!! I didn’t even know you were back in the states! I was going to go home in the afternoon, but NO WAY would I miss you!!
Hey, dear David!
It’s a pleasure to be “caught up” with you and read your story. I am so pleased to
have been able to follow your life since first knowing you through youth conferences
at Montreat… remember the first Montreat West?
I hope that I’ll be able to see you again, perhaps in Raleigh. Your CDs are alsways with me
when I travel.
Blessings to you.
Hey Kathryn – this reply is long overdue, but I just noticed that I hadn’t replied earlier, so I’m hoping ‘better late than never’ applies.
Thanks for your years of support and friendship. I do remember that first iteration in Colorado, and I hope our paths will continue to cross in the coming years. Peace…
The new web site is really wonderful – congrats! Your thoughts on is peace possible remind me of one of the great songs from The Cotton Patch Gospel – “Turn it around”. The idea being “to get right side up turn upside down”. This is the Gospel message in a nutshell, isn’t it?
So good to have all of you by stateside and to have you performing again. Keep up the good dad practices.
This is my first chance to preview the new website and I think it’s fantastic. Congratulations.
I know life is treating you well and I’m happy for that. I keep track of you on fb but I’ll keep checking here frequently too.
Look forward to seeing you again sometime soon. My last recollection is when we passed each other in the Charlotte airport more than a couple years ago and I gave you a copy of my book – Rise Up the Phoneix.
The World Peace event in Danvers on 2-9-11 gave me an appreciation for how much we can make a difference in someone elses world. Something I know but don’t always think about. Changing the world starts with how we change ourselves to be loving and giving to others.
Anyway, I have passed your site to a young lady currently studying to be a “music therapist”. It seemed like a good fit for her and could possibly expand her horizons.
GREAT concert tonight!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks so much for blessing First Presbyterian Church of Argenta with your incredible talents. I will go to sleep tonight with a smile on my face and a song in my heart.
you’ve grown a lot, and your website shows it :-). Got it tabbed now, and will be checking in regularly like in the old days. Question is now, when are you coming back to Europe??? 😉
It was great meeting you yesterday at the Rotary World Peace dinner. Thank you for making the trip to Boston and keeping the Rotarians engaged with your presentation. It’s great to be reminded once in a while of the reason we choose to be Rotarians. Like Susan said above, I’m also having trouble getting “shadows” out of my head. I picked up a few of your CD’s and look forward to hearing more and sharing them with others. Thanks again.
Hello David,
I was blessed to meet you at the Rotary International World Peace dinner 2/9/11. I will have to find “Shadows” since I’m haunted by little clips of it since you played for us. Emotionally beautiful song.Very inspirational & fullfilling message. Thank you for sharing & congratulations.
I pray a happy & healthy life for you, your wife & adorable Mason.
Impressive site, I already posted a reply to one of your articles and posted it on my facebook. Just to let you know, when I clicked to tabs in the black info box on the home page it did not send me anywere or show the articles promoted.
Overall great job.
Please make any replies to my facebook istead of e-mail, I spend more time on facebook as opposed to reading any e-mail these days.
Hi David,
Thank you for the special autograph and note to my grandson on the SS Bathtub book! He and his Mom, who remembers your performances and music from her NC State days, are really enjoying the cd I purchased from you when you were a guest preacher at our Mt. Pleasant church last week! When the book arrived today, they were sooooo excited!! How cool to have a special note from you!!
Thank you again!!!
All the Best!!
I’m so glad that got there safely, Tammy, and that the kids were excited. 🙂 I look forward to the next time our paths cross.
David, we sure did enjoy your performance at the Whitehorse Sat night. It was our first live music event at a venue since March of 2020. We did catch your livestream from Perelandra a while back and that’s where we first heard your hilarious song about how couples do things differently and both know they are right. On your birthday we celebrated our 34th anniversary so it was especially funny to us. Have you done a youtube of that song? When I went back to work today I saw your friend, Lynn Weber, and told her about seeing you. See was thrilled just to hear about it.
We hope to see you again soon,
Take care and thanks for the wonderful music and work for peace.
Duke & Lisa Schell from Morganton
Hi Duke and Lisa – thanks so much for your kind note, and for celebrating your anniversary with me! 🙂 I’m working on a video of The Way Its Done. Stay tuned! 🙂 If you’re not on my mailing list, go ahead and get on there, and I’ll be sure to let you know when that hits YouTube.
Thanks again!
The song is included in your NERFA line-up, but I’d love to have it separated. I’ll post it on Folk ‘N Great Music and share it elsewhere. Great song!!!
Very interested in your work in Guatemala.
Thanks for that, Susan. I’m sending a follow-up email. Best…
Been listening! Been learning! Been liking what I hear. Be well!
Thanks Jim!
I just finished reading your book, Worldchanging 101. Thank you for sharing your insight and wisdom – I am inspired!
Thanks so much, Laura! I’m grateful to you for taking the time to drop a note— and the time to read the book, of course! 🙂
Hi David ! My note is long over due, at least from the intended time frame. Just wanted to reach out and say “hello” , and again, say that it was so nice to see you at the God Talks in Greensboro last Fall (?).
I have enjoyed your book ‘ Worldchanging 101 ‘ with the insights and experiences that you share and let readers appreciate. Several years back , I read Michael Nagler’s book ” Is There No Other Way ” which really spoke to me , as reading your book has.
– Mary Katherine Williams (of the Charlie Williams family)
Hi Mary Katherine — thanks so much for that kind note. It was certainly wonderful to see you again, and I look forward to the next time our paths cross. Please give a shout if you find yourself over in the mountains.
Grace and peace,
Bringer of Peace article in the C-Times was inspiring. I am working with at risk elementary children in West Asheville….our program is called Creative Peacemakers (www.creativepeacemakers.com and also on Facebook). Music is one of the creative ways that they are learning to express themselves in healthy ways. The program is offered at the Center for Art and Spirit at St. George. I am also active with WNC4Peace, and we hosted their annual Peacemaker of the Year awards last fall around International Day of Peace which is where I first heard your incredible music. We are always looking for volunteers or artists (for a small stipend) to meet with our small group of children to inspire them to know that they can make a difference for peace in the world. Thank you for all that you do to promote peace and to inspire the rest of us. Also, love the sign you put on your house….thinking I may have to have one!
Hi Noel — thanks so much for this note, and for the good work you are doing. I will drop you an email to follow up about those connections.
Hi David, I am from Stronghold Camp and Conference Center in Oregon, IL. I have worked there for over 20 years. In the 90’s, you came here and played for us and it was amazing! You gave me one of your CD’s! Anyway, we have a new Executive Director now, Danny Pierce, who is very interested in you and your music. Danny also is familiar with the Montreat Camp! Just thought I would let you know that he will be contacting you at some point
Light and Love!
Thanks so much, Laurie! I would love to come back to Stronghold, and I look forward to hearing from Danny!
Hey David,
I’d love to be in contact about what I can do to help you and your current project. I’m moving to Asheville in a month and I’ll have some time off before my next job. Would really like to help whatever you’re planning next, just to help. I’m a musician, massage therapist, artist, entrepeneur etc….many hats…been very fortunate….I look forward to talking! Thanks much
Hi Heather — thanks for reaching out! I will drop you an email and we will figure out where to go from there. 🙂
Thoroughly enjoyed the “3 Daves” concert in Cary, NC last weekend. Having some difficulty with a follow-up attempt to order a copy of David Lamotte’s “Worldchanging 101” for friends in Australia. Get as far as the payment screen, and then it seems to lock up. Would appreciate feedback about a possible workaround. No great rush. Many thanks!
Hi Ginny — I think we got this worked out with Barbie, right? If there is an ongoing issue, please let us know.
My wife and myself walked into your sound check in Black Mountain and you blew me away with Your play. Thank you very much. We did come back and watch you that night. I still owe you a beer. Thank you
Thanks for coming back, Chris! Good to meet you. I’ll look forward to that beer further down the line. 🙂
I just read your article on Why The Church Needs Art, an old article but new to me. Thank you.
I wanted to share a holy experience I had a couple Januarys ago. It was the first time I rode my horse in the Fort Worth Stock Show Parade. I had not ridden in 30 some years and I started riding again at 50. Blue Skies was green broke and the folks at the barn were taking bets on which would happen first. Whether I would sell him or get hurt. I surprised us all and waited him out. He was brilliant in his first ever parade and so was the parade itself. From the saddle I was able to see ALL the people who came to the parade. ALL the ages, and colors, and economic realities. For a few hours that morning we were one, we were all FW cowboys and cowgirls. The parade moves slow enough to make eye contact and that is a powerful thing. Sometimes we could even exchange a few words. It was a divine experience. Thank you for the article and calling it back into my mind and heart.
As an artist, I am a painter. I painted as part of worship teams for about 10 years and then someone saw breasts and someone else saw tears in one of my paintings. I was told my gifts were no longer welcome. Sigh. I don’t do that kind of work often any more. It is stronger now if not as direct as it used to be. There is more mystery now. It tells a more complicated story with more grays. The story I hope to tell is that beauty is the end of the story. No matter how messy the middle gets, the end is beauty.
If you are inclined check out my websites. http://www.GwenMeharg.com for the abstract work and http://www.DrawNearToGod.com for the more obviously bible related/prophetic images.
Peace and clear, true songs,
Gwen Meharg from Fort Worth, TX
Thanks much for this note, Gwen, for the evocative story, and for the links to your powerful art. I like the ‘hard joy’ series very much, in particular.
Hi David, I am Tom Payne’s sister and I already feel as though I know you. You and Tom are amazing writers , poets and historians.
Your piece tonight was fascinating and I really got a great history lesson, thank you for sharing your knowledge.
On a funny note, Tom and my dad was born in Roanoke Va. As was his father and father before. Our grandfather’s name was “George Washington Payne” ……. Like your grandfather it seems like famous southern presidents were popular when it came to naming baby boys.
I lived in Roanoke for 17 years, now I’m back in Venice beach.
I miss my home nestled between the blue ridge and Appalachian mts.
I miss my southern friends and my community, knowing the banker, the baker and the candle stick maker al by name. I still dream of the seasons as they changed , the. Forsythia in the spring , getting my beans in the ground by march, laying on my back on a hot summer night with a salt shaker in one hand as I picked and ate fresh tomatoes off my vines. The wild chickada’s screaming as they added music to the lovely crepe myrtle . The pain in the ass yet glorious leaves as they blew off the tree covering everything even finding a way into the house, the gutters….. Yes hard to rake but well worth the effort. Then, at last that first crisp cold snow that transformed my world into the wonder I had been waiting for.
I loved it there, and it was not my choice to leave for good but I would be lying if I didn’t admit that the smell of the salty pacific and the night music of the waves crashing as they end their journey only to begin again .
My cup often runneth over.
Take care and thank you again for your article tonight.
Tom is happy with his studies, it does my heart good to feel his joy.
Love, Clancy P.
Clancy, there is apparently no shortage of poets in your family! What a beautiful reminiscence. I graduated from high school in Roanoke, and know it well. I lived in Sarasota before that, loving the salt of the gulf in the air. I hope our paths will cross in person someday. It seems we would have no shortage of things to talk about. Please give your extraordinary brother my love.
And do you know that I recorded his song Ten Lucky Pennies? It’s not the same as the original, of course, but I’m honored to have done it.
I just heard last weekend (at Bread for the World’s lobby day) that you’re living in Black Mountain. I work for Bread and live in Asheville. You probably know that we work on the justice side of hunger – not the charity side. Charity is essential. It makes sure that our hungry neighbors are fed today. But it doesn’t address the reasons that they are hungry. Are you going to the Wild Goose Festival?
Michael Smith
Hi Michael — great to hear from you. Thanks for the important work you are doing. I look forward to learning more. Yes, there’s a difference between meeting people’s needs and challenging the systems that make them needy. Thanks for showing up in that way. I’ll miss the Goose this year, but let’s try to catch up soon.
Looking forward to your visit to Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College…..Safe travels and god bless!…April 22, 2015
Thanks Ronald! See you soon…
As I always do at this time of year I got out the Spin CD to listen to “Peter.”
Thank you for such a beautiful, moving and meaningful song.
Don Bliss
Thanks so much, Don. I’m moved that it continues to resonate for you. It hurts me every time I sing it, which is probably a good thing. Peace.
My wife heard about the poem “White Flour” at a womens circle meeting. She said the point was made that you can’t fight hate with hate. I came on the web site to view the poem. I found the imagry to be vivid, and the words amusing but biting at the same time. I’m glad I dropped by.
Thanks much, Jim. I’m glad the poem resonates.
Hey David,
On Pandora this morning and heard a beautiful folk song by a New Hampshire artist named Bill Staines. The name of the song is “River.” Since we only see you once a year (for now!), I was wondering if you would consider singing this song when you sing at the White Horse near the 4th of July, 2015. So many wonderful folk songs, I am always finding something new. Thanks, David.
(Josh Richard’s mom)
Hi Sue — wonderful to hear from you. It is always a challenge to fit in the songs I want to play at any given show, so I think I’d better not make any promises — that said, I’m glad to be pointed to the song. I will go look it up and check it out. Bill Staines certainly does some great work. Thanks for thinking of me!
Hi David,
A long time ago, you came and performed at my house in New Mexico when I was no older than about 10. I helped you carry your stuff out in the morning, and you gave me the pick you used the night before. I’ve been playing guitar since. Now I’m in college, and your album Good Tar just started playing on my iTunes while I was doing homework, and I can’t turn it off. It is making me want to play guitar for the rest of the night like it did after your performance. It may be nearly a decade later, but Thanks for the pick!
Hey River — thanks so much for this kind note. It’s a wonderful way to end my day here in El Salvador, and you’re really kind to take the time to write. I look forward to the next time our paths cross. 😉
Hello David..so wonderful to see that you have done some really great things with your life. Many blessing for you cause you are what is lacking in this world and that is an humanitariun heart. My heart aches for what goes on in our world and you have the opportunity to have your voice heard..how great that is!! Loved your music when you played in Blk. Mtn., been many years ago!! Keep up the great job!! Will make a special effort to read your books!! Still have one of your CD’s from many years ago!! Take care my friend and stay safe during any travels!!
Thanks so much, Linda. Wonderful to hear from you. Peace…
Hi David,
Years ago when I was living in New Zealand, I was at the Auckland Folk Festival and had the opportunity to hear you perform. Wonderful!!
I think I emailed you a few times about the possibility of coming to my home reservation in South Dakota but…that fell through on my part…anywhoo
Now you are coming to Aberdeen, SD…where I now live!!! Even more wonderful!!! I am excited to come to your performance!!
Safe journeys!!!
Hey Jo! How wonderful! I will look forward to reconnecting with you in a new hemisphere. I would love to talk further about a visit to the reservation as well. See you tomorrow, I hope!
– David
Hello David,
We are in Montreat, where we’ve enjoyed hearing you a number of times. I have looked in the store for your “Sing Loud” bumper sticker, but they have only the “God Bless Every Nation” one (which gets lots of comments when folks see it on my car). I thought since it is now the Worship and Music conference, I might find it here. A friend of mine had to buy a new car, and in doing so, lost her “Sing Loud”. I promised her I’d try to find another one. Will you have them available at your White Horse appearance next week? Do your folks have any? I have gotten extra “God Bless” ones from them.
Thanks, Sarah
Hi Sarah — we’ve got’em! Yes, we will have them at the White Horse show, and they’re also available on this website. The White Horse is more fun than web shopping, though. 😉 See you soon!
Hi David
I wanted to thank you for your presentation today at the Rotary International District 1020 Peace Conference at Scotland’s Parliament in Edinburgh. I found it entertaining, thought provoking and motivating! Your relaxed style meant that the challenges to us, which were inherent in what you were saying, were heard, by me in any case, and I am not intending to adopt that old hero narrative any more! Active-ism here I come! I’m sure the young people in the audience will be talking about today for a long time to come! Well done.
Once again, thank you, I hope you enjoy your time here in Scotland with us and… Haste ye back!
Kindest thoughts
Theresa Douglas
Thanks so much, Theresa! I so deeply appreciate those kind words. It was a joy to be with you. Blessings on your journey.
Hi David,
I have really enjoyed your website and listening to you speak and sing. Jean and I are looking forward to meeting you in Scotland for the first and very unique Rotary Peace Conference on May 10th. You have made it really easy to put together a bio for the delegates. We have spread the word about your work through facebook and LinkedIn. See you in the Scottish Parliament Building on Friday.
I’m sure looking forward to it, Keith. Thanks!
Hi there David! I must say, my lack of knowledge and interest in these advanced ways of communicating with people couldn’t put out the joy I felt after having met you that day in Cape Town. I just had to write to you. I had no idea who you are or what you do but your warmth and sincerity left me walking away with a smile, asking God why I had met you. I really enjoyed our little chat, and His hand upon you was quite evident. It truly is my prayer that you continue toiling away in all humility for the good of mankind. Now when I sit at Charly’s bakery i’ll make it a point to say a little prayer for you and your family. Don’t grow weary of doing good. Peace be with you. 🙂
David – Have shared the video you posted of Pete Seeger on facebook with many relatives and friends who do not do FB. Yes, that particular song brought tears to my eyes as well. I sort of had in the back of my head, “well, as long as we’ve got good ole Pete – we have someone to keep us straight”. And of course I love that his song calls us all to be prophets and reminds us it is all of our responsibility.
Have enjoyed listening to your music since the early 90’s and Third Street Coffee House in Roanoke and other times I am able to catch you on tour. I believe you have a lot of Pete’s heart and ability through your songs to share a wonderful message of peace and how we can all be each others brothers and sisters. I have your bumper sticker, “Sing Loud, its a Big World” on my coffee thermos that I take with me to work, it means I start each day with a smile, thank you.
How do I sign up to receive your blog, David? Please?
Thank you for your seemingly tireless work for peace and justice for all. I know that you and your family must get exhausted sometimes. Here’s a bit of extra energy to carry on.
In Peace,
Hi Irene,
Thanks for asking — your comment alerted me to the fact that there was a problem with the sign-up. You will now find it back where it should be, on the main page of this web site: http://www.davidlamotte.com, in the upper right column.
I just wanted to say what a nice website you have….I was looking through it for an upcoming event you have in Boone, NC and found it east to navigate and learn about your work. So many are not nearly as well done….so I wanted to pass along the compliment. I look forward to hearing your massage and music next week.
Safe travels,
Thanks much for your kindness, Charlotte!
Hello David LaMotte and fans!
I just wanted to say what a blessing it has been being able to enjoy your music over the years. My sister first introduced me to you when she was in college at PC in Greenville S.C. back in 1995. Your music resonated with me through the years and I even requested the band at my wedding play a few of your songs in 2006. It is now 2013 and I still enjoy hearing your songs. I now live in Florida and hope to see some upcoming tour dates down here in the near future! Thanks for your music and service to the world!
Thanks so much for those kind words, Scott! I look forward to our paths crossing again some time.
Hi David – we swapped songs a few times in the 90s at my little venue Bagels & Ballads in Northern Virginia, and at your venue, The Green Door. I thought I’d try to see what you’ve been up to, and wow, I’m so impressed with what you have accomplished! Besides the music, your humanitarian efforts are inspiring.
I’m going to be an Artist in Residence this summer at Isle Royale National Park, and I’ve been a composing fool since visiting there a couple summers ago. I’m on the brink of a new phase of my musical career, and I’m amazed at how it’s all come about.
Hope you get a little glow from this “voice from the past” connection, and please know you made a difference to me along the way!
Hey Terri, wonderful to hear from you! Thanks for looking me up. The Isle Royale gig sounds completely wonderful. Best of luck with that. Thanks, too, for your kind words about my adventures. I hope our paths will cross again at some point.
My spouse and I want to thank you for the wonderful evening you shared with us at the Rotary District 7690 Conference on Saturday, April 20, 2013. It is inspiring to hear about your life’s purpose, experiences gained, accomplishments becoming contributions, and dreams yet to occur. Hope our paths cross again and wish you happiness both personally and professionally.
Lloyd & Leslie Navarro
Thanks so much, Lloyd and Leslie. It was a delight to be with you. Thanks for the work you do as Rotarians, and for your support of the Rotary Peace Fellowship, as well as for these kind words.
David –
I was the performer who played at Love Wins Ministries’ anniversary party this past Sunday afternoon. You left me a guitar pick to get in touch with you (it worked – nice touch); so, here I am touching base. I’m basically starting back into the music business from scratch, and any assistance I can get along the way would be greatly appreciated. I can also play keyboards, bass, drums, and accordion – if that helps in any way. You can contact me at (919) 912-6286, or via my email address hidden above. Thank you for your compliments.
Darel “LOve” Santucci
Hey Darel, great to hear from you, as well as to hear you. I sent a note to your email address, and I look forward to being in touch. Peace…
Here are websites to the venues mentioned by me:
1.(Williamsburg Occaision for the Arts: http://www.aofta.org/
2. First Night (WMBG): http://www.firstnightwilliamsburg.org/
3. Williamsburg Public Library: http://www.wrl.org/events/concerts
Thanks again, Katrina. 😉
The egg man! Just thought of you as I have a friend living in Asheville now, and I told her to look out for your next performance. I have moved back to my hometown, Williamsburg, VA. You should check out Williamsburg’s “Occaision for the Arts” which is held in October. It’s a paying gig, and you would sell CDs I am sure! Also, their “First Night” on New Year’s Eve is also an excellent venue and also paying! The Williamsburg Public Library also books artists and also pays. Nice little theater.
I still remember the night I sat beside you at the South Florida Folk Music Festical in January, 1994…you shared your egg with me! I lived in Roanoke for many years – maybe you remember me, maybe not. Not important, but I just wanted you to know I still love your music! I am glad to see you are still living the life of an artist and activist!
Katrina Landon
Hey Katrina – great to hear from you. Thanks for those kind words and that warm invitation. Hope I can get to the Williamsburg Public Library some time. Good fun. I look forward to the next time our paths cross. Peace…
Wow, David, we enjoyed your song & music on Saturday at Concord. I had to “bad” fortune to have to speak (on my polio experiences) after your performance. You have new fans of your music in my husband and me. Hope to see you again soon. It was a pleasure to meet you.
Susie, it was an honor and privilege to share that stage with you. Thank you for sharing your story with such courage, grace and candor. Thanks, too, for your kind words here. Thankfully, it’s not a competitive sport. 😉 I look forward to the next time our paths cross.
Hi David. I first met and heard you speak at College Connection this past January in Montreat. I just received my DVD that included your talk as well as Loli’s sermon. I’m thoroughly enjoying listening to it on by drive to and from work and reminiscing about the great conference. I am amazed at how much I remember from your talks. Thanks. Also wanted you to know that I am still working on bringing you to First Pres in Shreveport and have been in touch with your assistant. Have a planning meeting tomorrow and am hoping to get them to agree on something for the fall. Hope all is well with you and your family and a big hug to Mason.
Hey Joe,
Thanks so much for your kind words, and for listening deeply enough to those ideas that they stuck with you.i hope the Shreveport thing will work out, and I’ll look forward to our paths crossing again, whenever that happens.
i recently met you at check-out of your recent stay at the hotel i am training at in S.C(1-28-2013)I asked you about what you do as i saw your guitar.You gave me your business”pick” to your website.It is excellent.I checked out probably every song available.So..i have a few words on it”
It was a pleasure to meet you although briefly..may we meet again on your travels.
Thank you for taking the time to listen to those songs, Heidi, and for your kind note, using my own words for me, rather than against me. 🙂 peace…
Hi,David, I just tried to contact you at the recommendation of Rev. Dr. Linda Morgan-Clement at the College of Wooster. I got the impression she wanted us connected. Looking over your web site, I feel we are kindred hearts though I am twice your senior in age. How wonderful to know that you and linda will be among
the inheritors of the Earth after our generation is gone. As we say in Japanese, “Kanpai”. Hope to get a chance to speak with you.
Hideko Tamura snider
One Sunny Day Initiatives
Hello Hideko —
Yoroshiku onegai shimasu!
It was lovely to get your messages. Yes, Linda spoke to me about you at the conference last weekend, and I would love to talk with you. Thanks so much for reaching out. I have your number here, and will call tomorrow.
It was so great meeting you and hearing some of your songs at the jam last Mon. Your voice has so much expression and your guitar playing beautifully compliments it – you tell your song-story with your whole body. Love your songwriting, esp the USS Bathtub. I hope to catch one of your shows soon and definitely hope to see you at another jam. Marie V
Is it possible to get a copy for my e-reader?
Very soon, Joy! Which kind do you have?
Hi, David –
I found your impressive website through the article on White Flour in God’s Blog (Sojourners) and would like info on prices for bulk copies of the book. Am passing on to the “movers and shakers” of my church’s denomination my hope that you might visit a large group meeting in central PA in 2013.
Blessings to you in continuing the fine work you’re doing!
Hi Lois — thanks much for your kind words and for your enthusiasm about the book. I’d love to come out to Central PA and visit with you and your denominational friends. To talk about bulk discounts, please contact Sherri Powers — sherri(dot)powers(at)cox.net. Thanks again! – David
Great to catch up with you and your work. Love the website. My family attended 2 of your house concerts in San Angelo, Texas in early 2000 (Robert Dowler and Terry Maxwell were the hosts)as well as a concert at a local venue. We own 4 autographed CDs which we all still LOVE to listen to. You inspired my son, who was 9 at the time, to pick up the guitar. He now has his own band is enjoying playing locally. Thank you for your inspiration in all that you do. It is wonderful to see how much you and your family are doing to promote fellowship around the world!
Hi Brandy,
Thanks so much for taking the time to look me up. It’s a please to hear from you. I remember those shows at Robert and Terry’s. Good evenings of song and conversation. Please give my best to folks who might remember me in San Andgelo, and thanks for your kind words.
Hello David,
I serendipitously came across your blog. I am a future Peace Fellow stating in Feb 2012 at UQ and wanted to thank you for your blogging; general curiously lead to me reading basically anything and everything that your blog had to offer about Australia.
Nice blogging.
Take care
Hi Bremen,
Congratulations on becoming a Peace Fellow. It’s no small thing. I hope you will have a wonderful and enriching experience, and I would be happy to hear from you any time if you have questions or just want to check in. I’ll send a note to your email account so that you know how to reach me.
Hello Sir,
This is Mihir from Bangkok, Thailand. Sir if u remember i met u at Bawarchi Restaurant at Chidlom, Bangkok. I have gone through your website and was really touched by it. especially what u are doing with the education of children in guatemala i am short of words. only what i can say is sir that i too want to do something like this but i dont know from where to start. if i can be the part of your great project it would be like a dream come true for me. Hats of to u sir for what you and your family are doing to change the world and i sincerely hope that we meet again very soon as i am really longing to meet u. I wish u all the best for your future projects.
Mihir, what a treat to hear from you. I so enjoyed our brief conversation in the restaurant, while the musicians played in the corner. I appreciate your kind words and interest in my work. I wish I had some wise general advice for you in your goals, but I guess the best thing I can say is get started! There’s nothing like ‘showing up.’ 😉 You will learn what you need to as you go.
I don’t have any plans to be back in Thailand, but I will come back at the first opportunity, and I hope we will meet again then.
Hi David,
I just came across your Kickstarter project which lead me to your site. I’m a big fan of your book and I wish that I would have known about it while it was still open to backers.
I’m a first year ESL kindergarten teacher and I think the work that you and your wife started in Guatemala is amazing. It’s exactly what I want to do, but I don’t quite know how to get started. Do you have any tips for starting a non-profit, education based project?
Hi Shawni,
Thanks for your kindness, and for the work you’re doing already. My wife has taught elementary esl. It’s good and noble work.
I’d be happy to talk with you about PEG and that kind of work in general. Maybe next week we could schedule a phone call…?
As for the White Flour book, thank you for wanting to support it! If you want to pick up a copy, that’s the best way now, I suppose. You can do that under the “books” menu at the top of this web site. Thanks again!
Thanks so much for responding so quickly. I sent a message to you though your contact form and I look forward to hearing from you!
Hi David,just heard you were in Chiang mai,sorry i missed you,but if you’re ever back this way,please let me know, we can play some songs at my place,take care my friend.
It’s been a great visit, Tony, and I do hope to get back. Thanks for the warm welcome. Hope we can get together next time through.
David. You are doing a great job. Your poem: White Flour is brilliant. Must tell you my police story from the UK with a similar theme. I am sending NC my youngest son this year: Sam. he will be running a venue at WG12. Look after him. When are you touring the UK? Remember you have a built-in tour manager/roadie/driver here. Keep the Faith. Andy
Thanks much, Andy! I’m hopeful that I’ll be able to get over for Greenbelt. Maybe we can do something fun then. Cheers,
Miss getting your new albums and occasionally seeing you in concert, But wanted to let you know I am Very Proud Of the work you and your family are doing. You Probably get alot more Hard Earned Smiles. Thanks For the Time you gave to Us. Good Luck In your future Projects. Bud Ogletree,Jonesboro,Ar
Hey Bud! Good to hear from you, and thank you for your kind words. I am back to performing some, though I’m doing a fair amount of speaking these days too. Still love playing music, though. I did two concerts last week. Wish you could have come along. I’ll be back in Arkansas next spring (2013). Maybe we’ll catch up then. Peace.
Hi! I saw you, Dan, and Dawud in last November’s Abraham Jam at Duke, and it was amazing. I recently remembered that you guys’ music exists and resumed listening to it nonstop, and its awesomeness led me to check your respective calendars. When I did, I discovered that another Abraham Jam is being planned for November 2012 in Kalamazoo, MI. 😀
So I suppose the point of all this is to ask if Kalamazoo is going to be the only Abraham Jam happening next year, or if you three are planning/would consider going other places as well, since it probably wouldn’t be a good idea for me to give in to the strong temptation to find a way to get to Kalamazoo to see that one. 😛
As a side note, your music makes me happy, as does the fact that people like you exist. You inspire me. ^_^
This may not be the appropriate way to ask questions, and if so, I’m sorry, but it seems like the Contact form is more of a way to book shows, and at any rate, this way other interested people may be able to see it.
Keep up the good work!
Hey Grace — this is a fine way to ask questions. Thanks for asking them, and for your kind words. We sure had a magical night that evening at Duke, and we can’t wait to gather again in Kalamazoo. We’re hopeful that we’ll be able to find some other ways to gather in other places and take the Abe Jam on the road a bit more. There are some other projects in front of it in line, but I’m hoping to fix up abrahamjam.com so that we can offer that to folks. I can’t promise it will be anywhere but Kalamazoo this year, though. Stay tuned, eh?
Yesterday David came to our hometown, Joplin, MO, and my wife and I had the wonderful pleasure of seeing David and hearing his poetry and music for the first time. It was a great experience that we both enjoyed very much. David brought a sense of appreciation, and hope and anticipation for things to come that was especially touching for many of us at Bethany Presbyterian Church as we celebrated our 85th year anniversary, and as we continue to heal following the terrible destruction of our community. From all of us I just want to say how much we appreciate David taking his time to visit Joplin, and to encourage us with his talents. David, I will pray that God will continue to guide, and support you in your efforts to change the world. God bless you and yours!
Thanks so much for this kindness, Tim, and for your great hospitality in Joplin. Here’s to healing…
Hi David, My mom Martha sent me your website. I enjoyed your music a lot. I really love children from Guatemala and is great you are doing educational projects for them. I live in FL but I am originally from Guatemala and my husband is from NC. It would be nice to meet you sometime. We are traveling to Guatemala Nov 23-27.
Also we have a webdesign company and would like to help out with the non-profit’s website/hosting.
Hi Sara,
Thanks so much for this kind note. I hope we can meet up in Guate some time. I’ll be going down again this summer, but the dates aren’t set yet. We have a new web site behind the scenes that we’re looking forward to launching soon, but I’ll certainly make a note of your offer. That’s very kind. Peace…
Hi David Nice meeting you by chance in a rainy day at Don Fernando’s Caffe…..
Great music and great soul…..hope you ever give a lecture and concert close by..where me and family can meet you…..
Viggo is 5 years old and wants to hear you…
Take care specially in the mudslides of Guatemala…and chickenbuses…..
take care and will lisen to all your music..slowly…
Thanks so much for those kind words, Martha. I look forward to the next time our paths cross, in whichever country…
Hi David! Wow, this site looks really wonderful. I’m so happy to see you continuing to do well and do the things you love. I’m thinking about adding a blog to the Tammerlin website, so I’m enjoying seeing what you’re doing with yours. Please get in touch next time you’re in FL. Much love to you and your beautiful family. Lee
Hey Lee – always great to hear from you! Life’s good here. Much to celebrate. Thanks so much for poking around here. If you find yourselves coming through Chapel Hill, come stay with us and hang out with Mason. He really likes it when other musicians hang around. 😉
Dear David,
In 2006 and 2007 I could visit your concerts in the church of Jesberg, Germany. From that moment on I love your music, your messages, your spirit, your humour, your good heart. I am very interested in reading about your private life, also your good work all around the world for peace to all nations and your activities. I´m always looking forward to your messages. I´ve the luck, that I can often visit concerts with your friend Kenny Legendre, and we can talk together too. I also visited his fantastic concert in the church of Jesberg “Tribute to DavidLaMotte”. You can see, your music, your passion is still going on here. Have much fun on September 22nd with Kenny making a House Concert. Great!!Always hoping, that we can hear and meet you again in Germany. Dearest greetings to you and your “fantastic” family. All the best.
Gabi, it is lovely to hear from you. I remember you, and sincerely hope that our paths cross again. Kenny made some mention of trying to set something up. Next week we’ll chat about that and do some dreaming. 😉 Thanks for checking in. Frieden…
I found your website from the handbill left at Pullen. So nice to learn more about you. Our lives cross through many circles overlapping. We are both busy trying to change our world. I hope we have time for coffee or tea sometime. Ned
Hi Ned – I’ve sent you an email. Thanks for checking in.
You and I met many of years ago when you first produced your first album, you sang at Camp Grier. I was maybe 10 years old and have followed your music since. Thank you for making such amazing music! You actually played for my Presbyterian Campus Ministries group in Greensboro,NC I missed it because I was studying abroad in Germany.I kicked myself because I had heard that you were retiring!!! I couldn’t believe I had missed my last chance to see you live! I am glad that you are back and hope to make it to one of the NC events!
Take care,
ps new website is awesome!
Hey Chelsea – thanks for your kind note. I’m glad we have more chances. Glad you like the web site, too. It’s so nice to work with people who are good at that kind of stuff. Hope to see you soon.
David. Andy here. Just got back from the USA. You all need a lot of help with your addiction to sugar, salt and ice cubes – not necessarily together.I helped you take your tent down at Wildgoose – the tall bald Brit in the red T-shirt.
I promised to connect you to the Greenbelt posse.
Here goes: Paul Northup does the booking of musicians. He is the man to get hold of.
he knows me and it may help to say that we met.
Email address is: paul@greenbelt.org.uk
Keep the faith.
So true, Andy — re the dietary concerns… 😉
Thanks for your kindness, both in sending this note and in helping with the tent(s). I’ll drop a note to Paul, and drop your name within it.
It’s been a long time with a lot of life changes. I first met you years ago at Montreat West at Ft. Collins, Colorado. I still love your music, and listen often. Just wish you came this far West,(New Mexico or West Texas) so I could see you in concert again.
Hi Howard – great to hear from you. I hope our paths will cross again some time. I don’t have anything on the calendar in that part of the country just now, but airplanes are amazing inventions… it’s not so hard to get there, if you ever need me to come out. 😉
Grace and peace…
Dear David,
I was looking through my a bunch of my CDs and I found yours. Autographed by you, Good Tar, double live. It reminded me of the house concerts I used to go to at my neighbors house. Now that I am older, I have come to appreciate your music on a much higher level, and without you I wouldn’t be able to have such an nostalgic but refreshing musical experience.
I also really understand your message and purpose in your music much better. I really dig what you are doing – you are indeed a good example of what defines a good person. Hopefully someday we’ll run into each other again, I’d love to hear your story now that I’m much older. But until then, keep on rockin’. Just thought I’d share that with you.
Hi Weikei,
Thanks so much for your note, and for pulling that old CD out. It’s lovely to hear from you. I hope our paths will cross again some time, too.
Hi David!! I’m so excited, I just registered for Big Tent and the last item to check off was a ticket to a David LaMotte concert!! I didn’t even know you were back in the states! I was going to go home in the afternoon, but NO WAY would I miss you!!
Thanks Sarah! I’ll look forward to seeing you there. I’m excited about that, too. 😉
Hey, dear David!
It’s a pleasure to be “caught up” with you and read your story. I am so pleased to
have been able to follow your life since first knowing you through youth conferences
at Montreat… remember the first Montreat West?
I hope that I’ll be able to see you again, perhaps in Raleigh. Your CDs are alsways with me
when I travel.
Blessings to you.
Hey Kathryn – this reply is long overdue, but I just noticed that I hadn’t replied earlier, so I’m hoping ‘better late than never’ applies.
Thanks for your years of support and friendship. I do remember that first iteration in Colorado, and I hope our paths will continue to cross in the coming years. Peace…
The new web site is really wonderful – congrats! Your thoughts on is peace possible remind me of one of the great songs from The Cotton Patch Gospel – “Turn it around”. The idea being “to get right side up turn upside down”. This is the Gospel message in a nutshell, isn’t it?
So good to have all of you by stateside and to have you performing again. Keep up the good dad practices.
Hi David,
This is my first chance to preview the new website and I think it’s fantastic. Congratulations.
I know life is treating you well and I’m happy for that. I keep track of you on fb but I’ll keep checking here frequently too.
Look forward to seeing you again sometime soon. My last recollection is when we passed each other in the Charlotte airport more than a couple years ago and I gave you a copy of my book – Rise Up the Phoneix.
Be well and my best to Deanna and Mason.
The World Peace event in Danvers on 2-9-11 gave me an appreciation for how much we can make a difference in someone elses world. Something I know but don’t always think about. Changing the world starts with how we change ourselves to be loving and giving to others.
Anyway, I have passed your site to a young lady currently studying to be a “music therapist”. It seemed like a good fit for her and could possibly expand her horizons.
God Bless your ministry!
GREAT concert tonight!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks so much for blessing First Presbyterian Church of Argenta with your incredible talents. I will go to sleep tonight with a smile on my face and a song in my heart.
Hey brother,
you’ve grown a lot, and your website shows it :-). Got it tabbed now, and will be checking in regularly like in the old days. Question is now, when are you coming back to Europe??? 😉
Peace, Kenny
It was great meeting you yesterday at the Rotary World Peace dinner. Thank you for making the trip to Boston and keeping the Rotarians engaged with your presentation. It’s great to be reminded once in a while of the reason we choose to be Rotarians. Like Susan said above, I’m also having trouble getting “shadows” out of my head. I picked up a few of your CD’s and look forward to hearing more and sharing them with others. Thanks again.
Hi David…
indeed a pleasure to check out the new website.
The new site looks great!
Hello David,
I was blessed to meet you at the Rotary International World Peace dinner 2/9/11. I will have to find “Shadows” since I’m haunted by little clips of it since you played for us. Emotionally beautiful song.Very inspirational & fullfilling message. Thank you for sharing & congratulations.
I pray a happy & healthy life for you, your wife & adorable Mason.
Impressive site, I already posted a reply to one of your articles and posted it on my facebook. Just to let you know, when I clicked to tabs in the black info box on the home page it did not send me anywere or show the articles promoted.
Overall great job.
Please make any replies to my facebook istead of e-mail, I spend more time on facebook as opposed to reading any e-mail these days.