The American Friends Service Committee has opened a call for suggested nominees for the Nobel Peace Prize, and you are invited to submit your suggestions between now and May 1, 2013 for the 2014 prize. … Read More →
Peace, Perigrinations, and Pete Seeger
Peace, Perigrinations, and Pete Seeger
Greetings from Holden Beach, NC, where I’m spending a few days with most of my family celebrating my Dad’s eightieth trip around the sun. Mason and Deanna are napping, so I thought I would take a few minutes to write a quick update. When they wake up, it will be time to teach Mason how […]
UQ graduate helps nominate Nobel Peace Prize candidates
UQ graduate helps nominate Nobel Peace Prize candidates
This from the University of Queensland News: Recent UQ graduate and former Rotary World Peace Fellow David LaMotte has been appointed to a prestigious committee that selects Nobel Peace Prize nominees. Mr LaMotte graduated from UQ in June 2010 with a Master of International Studies (Peace and Conflict Resolution) and returned to the United States […]