In preparation for my trip to Israel and Palestine next week, last night Deanna and I watched a movie called “Encounter Point.” I highly recommend it.
It’s a documentary about the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, and though it doesn’t flinch from portraying and engaging the depth and severity of the problem at any point, it’s a heartening portrait of a handful of Israeli and Palestinian non-violent activists (almost all of whom have lost someone in their own families) and the work they’re doing.
What I’m trying to say is that it strikes an impressive balance between education and inspiration, and a strong practical argument for non-violence in this situation. It’s not the kind of movie you have to dread and watch out of some sense of civic responsibility — it’s actually both grounded and encouraging at the same time.
If you want to check it out, Netflix has it here, and the web site for the movie is here (and there are trailers to check out online at the movie web site).
So if you’re interested in why I’m going to Israel and Palestine in the middle of my wife’s pregnancy, I think this movie may be the best answer I can give you.
I was recently at the Montreat Youth Conference and heard you play. Not only is your music amazing, but the insight you have on life is moving. It really struck me when you talked about how one person can change the world. I am currently attending UNC Chapel Hill, and a friend and I are trying to start a social justice program on campus that is dedicated to ministering to those in need in our community. I was wondering if you have any words of encouragement or advice, because two people in such a large campus feels like small odds.
Thank you for your courage and passion, it is inspiring.
added to my queue
bon voyage. DL