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White Flour book on the way…
White Flour book on the way…
Order the book or support the project here! My new illustrated book will be coming out in late May. It tells a funny, instructive and true story of a creative anti-racism protest by a group calling itself the Coup Clutz Clowns, in Knoxville, Tennessee. If all goes well, the book will be released on May […]
In Light of Current Events
In Light of Current Events
Sadly, it seems that my poem White Flour refuses to be outdated. There is more sad news on the topic from Tennessee yesterday. People at shows have been asking where they can get a copy, so I’ve decided to add a permanent page with the text. Feel free to distribute as you see fit.
A movie recommendation
A movie recommendation
In preparation for my trip to Israel and Palestine next week, last night Deanna and I watched a movie called “Encounter Point.” I highly recommend it. It’s a documentary about the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, and though it doesn’t flinch from portraying and engaging the depth and severity of the problem at any point, it’s a heartening […]
White Flour
White Flour
Memphis, Tennessee People keep asking at shows where they can get a copy of my poem, White Flour. Christine Kane did me the honor of printing it on her excellent blog a while back, but I guess it’s time I added it to my own. By the way, I just got word that it will be […]