It’s been a whirlwind of a day with a few meetings related to releasing my new ‘Best Of’ CD, some writing for an online community, two connections with longtime friends, meetings with the folks at Kudzu, the design company I’m working with these days, to finalize this cool flier right here—–>
…and a talk at Warren Wilson about how large scale change happens and how it doesn’t, and how we can take the step from complaining about things that concern us to actually addressing those problems. Click on the flier image to the right to download it.
Note: If you are using Firefox and you want to print out the flyer, save it first and print from that saved file, instead of printing from the preview window (or use a different browser — Firefox is having some issues with the art in the pdf).
In the time since I returned from living in Australia and India as a Rotary World Peace Fellow, I’ve been surprised and thrilled to find that I’ve been receiving a lot of invitations to speak to groups. I’ve been offering workshops for about fifteen years that I somewhat cheekily title Worldchanging 101: Challenging the Myth of Powerlessness (that’s also the title of a book I plan to release in 2014). As of now, speaking events make up about two-thirds of my work, while music events make up about two-thirds as well (see what I did there? The middle third of the venn diagram is made up of events where I get to do both).
In order to help people understand what I’m offering through my talks and workshops, the Kudzu crew helped me put together this flier which gives some basic information about what I’m up to.
And because these talks are sometimes offered in secular contexts (colleges, conferences, etc.) and sometimes at churches or church-related events, I’ve also made a flier just for church events. If you know of a college, church, conference, non-profit, etc. that might benefit from my coming to explore some of these ideas with them, please feel free to pass this information on. I hope to see you soon, maybe even in your town.
Wow! Nice graphics! Great job on the fliers, and the video is really well-done, too. I’m going to work on bringing you back to Denver. I know your presentation(s) would be well-received.
Wonderful, Margaret. I’d sure love to come back.