Almost no one knows about the second time Rosa Parks was arrested, and that context changes her story significantly. … Read More →

by David LaMotte
Almost no one knows about the second time Rosa Parks was arrested, and that context changes her story significantly. … Read More →
by Chris Liu-Beers
By Carol Motsinger, Asheville Citizen-Times, May 20, 2014. Click here to read the original article. Black Mountain-based singer, writer, public speaker and activist David LaMotte is adding another project to his list of accomplishments. He plans to publish “Worldchanging 101: Challenging the Myth of Powerless” in August, with a book launch event at the White Horse […]
by Chris Liu-Beers
As I write this, we are over half way through a Kickstarter campaign for my new book, arriving in August (assuming the Kickstarter effort works!). The book is called Worldchanging 101: Challenging the Myth of Powerlessness. It takes a look at some of the stories we tell about how change happens and how it doesn’t, and how […]
by David LaMotte
It’s late Monday night and I’m staying up by the wood stove trying to catch up on some work. Or at least I was. My plans for the night just changed. A few minutes ago I received a note from my friend Laura saying that Pete Seeger left us about an hour ago. Apparently the […]
by David LaMotte
It’s been a whirlwind of a day with a few meetings related to releasing my new ‘Best Of’ CD, some writing for an online community, two connections with longtime friends, meetings with the folks at Kudzu, the design company I’m working with these days, to finalize this cool flier right here—–> …and a talk at […]
by David LaMotte
For over fifteen years David has been offering Worldchanging 101 workshops and keynotes. In them, he challenges some common, but largely unexamined, ideas about how large-scale social change happens and how it does not. We have put together a new flyer for colleges and churches about various ways to organize a weekend event or a […]