I found this poem searching through a file in my computer called “Works In Progress.” I had forgotten about it entirely, but thought it might be worth sharing…… Read More →
The answer, my friend…
The answer, my friend…
A few weeks ago I heard a man speaking about aid work. At one point, in the middle of a litany of problems in the world, he spoke of “countries where the winds of political change are blowing.” I don’t know whether anyone else noticed what was happening through the plate glass windows behind him […]
A quick post-election blog
A quick post-election blog
… in between all the baby photos (more soon, you can be sure). My sister Kathy, who is a first year law student at Cornell with a focus on working on our broken death penalty system, wrote a piece on her blog entitled “Now What? A Note to my Co-Liberals.” It’s a good read, whether […]
An email I just got
An email I just got
I got an email from an old friend in Wyoming today. It disturbed me. I’ll include the text of the original email here and my response to it below that. I was writing primarily to a Christian friend of mine, and I write to her in that context, so forgive me if it’s a little […]
Well Put
Well Put
This is an op-ed in the religious section of the Washington Post regarding the McCain/Obama/Warren ‘conversation’ at the Saddleback Church yesterday. If you’re looking at politics from a Christian perspective, or interested in that conversation, it’s well worth a read.