What happens when three long-time musician friends get together with guitars in hand? Laughter, stories, new songs, familiar songs, harmonies, and spontaneous musical moments. That’s what you can expect from David LaMotte, Chris Rosser, and Beth Wood when they take the stage at the Casbah in Durham, NC on Thursday, October 11 at 8 pm, […]
‘White Flour’ News
‘White Flour’ News
As of this afternoon, March 24, there is one week to go in the month-long kickstarter campaign to publish my new illustrated book, White Flour, and wait ’til you hear the news! Here’s the scoop: Thank you! The original goal of $18,500 was met in only twelve days! People have ‘shared’ the project all over […]
Nobel News
Nobel News
The AFSC recently announced its nominee for the 2012 Nobel Peace Prize. The Nobel committee is also requesting nominees for the 2013 prize. More information on each of these efforts is available here…. Read More →
What you did in Guatemala in 2011
What you did in Guatemala in 2011
This is the year-end letter to PEG donors telling them where their money went. I thought I’d share it with the rest of you, too. At the end of the year, it’s powerful to look back and see what has happened…. Read More →
Teleprompters, Translation and a Tie
Teleprompters, Translation and a Tie
…I couldn’t help but be aware of how much my life has changed in the last few years. Last week I flew to San Diego to speak at a Rotary International Assembly. It was a bit heady for me. Not only my first time with a teleprompter and six-language simultaneous translation, but I was an […]
Welcome Rachel!
Welcome Rachel!
I’m thrilled to announce that Rachel Wilson has begun working as my new booking and logistics manager. I met Rachel last year in Raleigh and was immediately impressed by her. I’m so grateful that she has elected to work with me and keep things organized around here (you know how artists can be…). To reach […]
Looking Back, Looking Forward
Looking Back, Looking Forward
As many of us do this time of year, I looked back over 2011 recently, and I was amazed to see all that had happened. Some of it has been hard and some has been thrilling, but I definitely feel alive. I was theoretically taking it easier this year in order to work at the […]
Update from Guatemala
Update from Guatemala
I have been in or on a pretty amazing array of motorized vehicles in the last 24 hours, from public buses (a.k.a. ‘chicken buses,’ retired school buses from the US, often painted up in classic Latin style, but sometimes with the names of American counties still painted on the side) to a taxi with half […]
“I’ve Never Liked Politics”
“I’ve Never Liked Politics”
I found this poem searching through a file in my computer called “Works In Progress.” I had forgotten about it entirely, but thought it might be worth sharing…… Read More →
Playing with Pete
Playing with Pete
I’m honored to get to share the stage with Pete Seeger, David Amram and other fine people in New York City this Sunday afternoon, on the tenth anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks. I can think of no better way to spend that day, or people with whom to spend it. The event will honor […]
Hummingbirds, Lorikeets & Me
Hummingbirds, Lorikeets & Me
I’m sitting in the living room on a cloudy day listening to Bill Mize’s incredible acoustic guitar CD ‘Tender Explorations’ and feeling grateful to my nearly-three-year-old Mason for his bird feeder obsession. Because he loves the feeders (yes, the feeders, not so much the birds), we have several hanging, stuck to windows, etc. The birds […]
Thoughts on Peace and Power
Thoughts on Peace and Power
On April 9, 2011 a group of people who are concerned about the course of the seemingly endless “War on Terror” gathered to hear impressive speakers, including several veterans, an active duty soldier, activists and an investigative journalist, bring perspective to the current state of affairs. A live orchestra performed between presenters, and excerpts of speeches from Dr. King and Dwight Eisenhower were offered by actors, speaking in character…. Read More →
Lingua Musica interview
Lingua Musica interview
My long-time friend Barbie Angell interviewed me for a new video series called Lingua Musica. It was a good conversation, sitting by Lake Susan in Montreat, NC, and she just wrote to tell me the interview had gone live…
Citizen-Times Article
Citizen-Times Article
Asheville Citizen-Times, July 15, 2011 BLACK MOUNTAIN — Acclaimed singer-songwriter David LaMotte is finding his groove again. The 20-year touring veteran, who’s released 10 albums of melodic folk pop, took a break in 2008 to study international relations, peace and conflict resolution at the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia. Upon returning to the states […]
Interdependence Day
Interdependence Day
9AM, Indianapolis, IN This weekend the nation celebrates Independence Day, and Deanna and I celebrate Interdependence Day. I asked her to marry me on the Fourth of July in 2003, late at night on a nearly empty stretch of sand in St. Augustine, Florida. Fireworks were going off north and south down the beach, but […]
More pictures and news from Guatemala
More pictures and news from Guatemala
More photos and stories from Guatemala, where I will be for the next few days, visiting schools and libraries which are supported by PEG Partners, the non-profit Deanna and I founded in 2004…. Read More →
Mason and David – the reunion tour
Mason and David – the reunion tour
David’s toddler Mason joined him on stage at the Grey Eagle in Asheville to sing David’s children’s song SS Bathtub…. Read More →
The Tortured Truth
The Tortured Truth
The following article of mine first appeared on NCPolicyWatch.org, and has since been published in the and on Patheos. In recent days, the Internet has been abuzz with revelations brought to us by the latest “Wikileaks” disclosure. Thousands of leaked communiqués reveal various officials’ comments publicly, though they were originally intended to be private. Apologies, […]