This is the year-end letter to PEG donors telling them where their money went. I thought I’d share it with the rest of you, too. At the end of the year, it’s powerful to look back and see what has happened…. Read More →
General Update
Teleprompters, Translation and a Tie
Teleprompters, Translation and a Tie
…I couldn’t help but be aware of how much my life has changed in the last few years. Last week I flew to San Diego to speak at a Rotary International Assembly. It was a bit heady for me. Not only my first time with a teleprompter and six-language simultaneous translation, but I was an […]
Welcome Rachel!
Welcome Rachel!
I’m thrilled to announce that Rachel Wilson has begun working as my new booking and logistics manager. I met Rachel last year in Raleigh and was immediately impressed by her. I’m so grateful that she has elected to work with me and keep things organized around here (you know how artists can be…). To reach […]
Looking Back, Looking Forward
Looking Back, Looking Forward
As many of us do this time of year, I looked back over 2011 recently, and I was amazed to see all that had happened. Some of it has been hard and some has been thrilling, but I definitely feel alive. I was theoretically taking it easier this year in order to work at the […]
Abraham Jam
Abraham Jam
The Abraham Jam is a free interfaith event at Duke University’s Page Auditorium featuring world-class professional musicians and poets. … Read More →
Harmony for Humanity Interview
Harmony for Humanity Interview
This is a recent interview and article published by Harmony for Humanity, please click the link below to read the rest of it. David LaMotte: Making a Difference From the Heart David LaMotte is being the change in so many ways that it’s almost impossible to keep up. LaMotte is an award-winning songwriter and peace […]
Hummingbirds, Lorikeets & Me
Hummingbirds, Lorikeets & Me
I’m sitting in the living room on a cloudy day listening to Bill Mize’s incredible acoustic guitar CD ‘Tender Explorations’ and feeling grateful to my nearly-three-year-old Mason for his bird feeder obsession. Because he loves the feeders (yes, the feeders, not so much the birds), we have several hanging, stuck to windows, etc. The birds […]
Peace, Perigrinations, and Pete Seeger
Peace, Perigrinations, and Pete Seeger
Greetings from Holden Beach, NC, where I’m spending a few days with most of my family celebrating my Dad’s eightieth trip around the sun. Mason and Deanna are napping, so I thought I would take a few minutes to write a quick update. When they wake up, it will be time to teach Mason how […]
Lingua Musica interview
Lingua Musica interview
My long-time friend Barbie Angell interviewed me for a new video series called Lingua Musica. It was a good conversation, sitting by Lake Susan in Montreat, NC, and she just wrote to tell me the interview had gone live…
Interdependence Day
Interdependence Day
9AM, Indianapolis, IN This weekend the nation celebrates Independence Day, and Deanna and I celebrate Interdependence Day. I asked her to marry me on the Fourth of July in 2003, late at night on a nearly empty stretch of sand in St. Augustine, Florida. Fireworks were going off north and south down the beach, but […]
A Bend in the Path
A Bend in the Path
As I write, the window is open, letting the sticky summer air of Carolina drift in, disturbed by a ceiling fan stirring it around to keep me comfortable. Sounds fall in that window as well — birds chirping and the low swell of the occasional car passing by. I took Mason to the diner across […]
new web site!
new web site!
Hi friends, I’m thrilled to announce that three months of work is finally done, and there is a new You’ll notice quite a few new and different things on this site, and I hope you’ll enjoy poking around (please drop a note in the Guestbook to let us know what you think). There’s an […]
Some really old news…
Some really old news…
While digging around for some content for this spiffy new web site, I came across a collection of some of my oldest blogs. I discovered recently that I started blogging just a few weeks before the word “weblog,” from which “blog” is derived, was ever used. Apparently, I was a proto-blogger. If you’re really stuck […]
Back to Guatemala
Back to Guatemala
I woke up early this morning — very early. I think it was due to too much caffeine yesterday. 4 AM was a good time to work on a few things with no chance of interruption, though, so I spent some time looking for plane tickets to Guatemala. I’ll be going back down to visit […]
Settling in and looking forward
Settling in and looking forward
I suppose there is a continuum with “stability” on one side and “adventure” on the other, and most people find themselves most comfortable somewhere along it. It’s a good thing that I have more need for adventure than stability in my life, as it seems like that is my lot. My time in Australia came […]
Where To From Here
Where To From Here
“What is it you plan to do with your one wild precious life?” – Mary Oliver 17 April, 2010 train from Brisbane, QLD to Grafton, NSW As I write this I am riding through the Australian countryside on a train, headed to a conference where I’ll be speaking about the Rotary World Peace Fellowship and […]
holiday giving article
holiday giving article
Here is the final article that Bekah wrote. I think she did a great job (actually it reads much better than my unedited answers below). Kudos, Bekah.
Hair Changing 101
Hair Changing 101
It’s been some time since I’ve checked in, and much has happened in the meantime. I’ve finished the second semester of my Masters program, Mason turned one, I’ve made trips to Newcastle and Canberra for Rotary, friends have visited from the U.S. and New Zealand, and yesterday Deanna had her thirty-fifth birthday, just to name […]
Fig Tree Pocket
Fig Tree Pocket
It’s 82 degrees (28 C) and sunny in Brisbane today. From first week I thought I’d better just get that out of the way. If you haven’t just turned off the computer in disgust and you’re still reading then you must love us a lot, so I’ll feel free to wax on about our Brisbane […]
Breakfast in Fiji, the adventure begins…
Breakfast in Fiji, the adventure begins…
It’s 8:39AM in Black Mountain, 5:42AM in Los Angeles (where we were last), 12:43AM in Brisbane, where we’ll be in eleven hours, and 2:44AM in Fiji, where we’ll be having breakfast, watching the sunset and switching to our last airplane of the trip. I’m typing in the dark while most of the passengers are sleeping, […]
One Last Article
One Last Article
This nice article came out a this weekend in Blue Ridge Now. That may be my last press for a while. I guess I’m officially retired now. 😉
Of Baby Bling and Basil
Of Baby Bling and Basil
It is possible to buy some seriously ridiculous stuff for babies. A recent wander through Babies R Us led to the discovery of endless expensive entertainment options for newborns, including those roughly the age of ours, who is still working on vision at the six-inch range. Slightly more disturbingly, though, it also leads to the […]
Fathers and Sons and Guatemala
Fathers and Sons and Guatemala
US Airways Flight 1831, Charlotte to Miami Da Guate 081016 Touching down in Miami It’s extraordinary to realize that I woke up in Missouri yesterday, in Black Mountain, North Carolina today, and will wake up in Santiago, Atitlan, Guatemala tomorrow, after spending brief moments in Asheville, Charlotte, Miami and Guatemala City. Even for me, that’s […]
Quick and Easy Divorce
Quick and Easy Divorce
Deanna finally joined Facebook this week and is exploring it now. She just added me, not only as her friend, but as her spouse. The dialog box that popped up after she did so reads thus: Relationship Status: Married To: David LaMotte (awaiting confirmation) Then there’s a button that says “Cancel Relationship” I’d better run […]
Serving Size
Serving Size
Yesterday I was hanging out at a friend’s place on the Medina river… My friend Wendy Sue from California offered me a Teddy Graham cookie, but I declined because I couldn’t be sure I could finish a whole serving of… 47 cookies?!?! I spent part of my time there working on a new song, too. […]
Gorges (gorgeous)
Gorges (gorgeous)
For my birthday, my parents took a picnic basket to the Veranda, a wonderful soup and sandwich place in Black Mountain owned by an old friend of mine. They paid for lunch for two and let us know it was there whenever we wanted it. All we had to do was call in our lunch […]
From deep in the Vault…
From deep in the Vault…
I was a “proto-blogger.” That is to say that I started publishing “Notes From the Road” on my web site back in way 1997, laboriously chiseling them into my stone pda with a woolly mammoth tusk. Coincidentally, my first blog was published a few weeks before the word “weblog” ever appeared in print. These are […]